Malaysia a Christian Nation?

What do I think? What do you think I think? I am a Muslim. So again, what do you think I think? A yes? No?

Fiqh Medic

What are the legal maxims of Islamic Law (QAWA’ID FIQHIYYAH). Let's say, if a patient is having a colostomy bag (which contains his urine or feces), would the ablution be valid? How about, if a women is in labour (bear in mind that giving birth to the first child can be as long as 19hours); can she still performs Salah? (Let's find the answer here.)

Men VS Women

Let's think critically. Who is the one which better in governing this world!? Men, who have more influencing and have strong character or women, who have emotional values, and boundless cares and love?

Are You Ready to Fall in Love??

What is love to begin with? we might assume that we have that sort of wonderful love, unshakeable by no others even death. We may sacrifice anything to our beloved person. But, if we claimed that we love Rasulullah, where are the proofs? You are willing to sacrifice anything for his sake?

Does God need us?

Now, tell me, what are the differences between this human-made lego tree and the one who created by our almighty creator,our god?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Rise & Shine : Fajr

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Loving of All.
May peace be upon you, and may Allah bless your life here and after.

Being away for so long, and it was all thanks to Allah that He moved my heart today, to pay a visit to this so-called long-left world of writing. It was also all thanks to Him, that has water my wilted will of writing again.

In this long yet short journey, I often forget. But Allah reminded me again and again. giving me chance again, and again. His forgiveness is way beyond His anger and for that, I'm so grateful. For every morning that I opened my eyes, still breathing, still able to do good deeds. For all the blessings, the rezeki, the safety, the protection, the peace HE is giving, all that I see or couldn't see, I could only utter 'Alhamdulillah'

Dear brothers and sisters,
There is this one thing that I have been wanted to share with you all. It is a about Fajr prayer (Subuh prayer)
First of all, I am not perfect. I am making it clear, that I am imperfect. Sharing this does not mean I am better and you are not. So please, do not take my intention in a bad way. We are all Muslims. We are all brothers and sisters. There are only good things that I pray for all of you and only good things that I want to happen to all of you. I wish nothing else, than to have all Muslims, in Jannah. May Allah have mercy on me and every of us. Amin

Recently, I found a good thing about Instagram. There is an account, named @fajreminders, solely reminds the Muslims on Fajr. Waking up every morning, greeted by such inspiring reminders about Fajr, the only thing that crossed my mind was, "I hope everyone knows about this..."

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH : Peace be Upon Him) said,
"The two (sunnah) rakaat of Fajr are better than the world and what it contains..."
"Whoever pray Fajr is under the protection of Allah..."
"There are angels who take turns in visiting you by night and day, and they all assemble at Fajr and Asr prayers. those who have spent the night with you ascend to the heaven and their Rabb, Who knows better about them, asks: 'In what condition did you leave My slaves?' They reply: 'we left them while they were performing Salat and we went to them while they were performing Solat..."

There was something that made me reflected myself today. Yesterday I was talking with one of my very nice housemate. I told her that in my CV for internship application, the only thing I am confident of about myself is my punctuality. Well, I guess at least I've been taking it that way all this while, until today.
Someone shared and reminded,

You don’t want to be late for exams, but you’re okay to be late for Fajr?

And I was stunned and dumbfounded. Reflecting myself right that moment. Why is it that I never thought of this? This is so true. I hate to be late for anything. And I always make sure I am early rather than being punctual. Meeting, examination, class and all worldly matters. But sadly, I never thought to be early for prayers. It was like I took prayer as something different than other things, when it is actually, the real, big thing. The real meeting of all.

But dear brothers and sisters, it’s okay. Never feel that we are the bad ones. Never take this story of mine as something that hurt you, or something that make you feel bad about yourself. No. Do you know why? Because you are still breathing.

Subhanallah, as long as we are still breathing, we can always put on efforts to change. And Alhamdulillah. That Allah still care, that He brought you here, so you know the facts that:
1)      Every morning is beautiful when we talk to Allah first
2)      A day that starts with Fajr, is a day worth living
3)      Fajr is your protection shield for whole day
4)      Praying Fajr brightens our day even when the sun is not in the mood to shine.

Indeed in our every morning, you are to choose between the comfort you are sleeping on and Fajr Prayer. It is not an easy thing to decide, I know. I know exactly how it felt.
But you can always ask Allah to help you wake up for Fajr. Recite Dhikr. Read Ayatul Kursi before you sleep and you’ll be protected from Shaytan the whole night. InshaAllah, when it is time, trust me, no, I mean trust Allah. He will wake you up for SURE. YOU will wake up for sure!
And you know what? From my own experience, we do wake up. You do wake up. But the
 next thing that happen, is depending on how strong you are. How important Allah to you that you’d rather wake up, talking to Him and pleasing Him than sleeping back. So think about it. Sort your mind and choose. Keep trying because I am too.
Fajr is a test of your commitment to Allah.

That is all for now. Forgive me if anything that I wrote hurt. May Allah have mercy and forgive me, you, our families, our friends, our Muslim brothers and sisters.
Credit to @farreminders. May Allah give rewards to everyone who shares good things that mend the heart and soul. And you can be one.
Spread goodness.


 Picture from: @fajreminders

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Warkah buat Sahabat

Ke hadapan sahabatku yang 'menjauh',


Apa khabar disana?

Aku dengar kau sedang melalui alam baru, di tempat baru.

Bagaimana di sana? Semua baik-baik sahaja?

Oh aku, aku sihat saja. Macam biasa, masih kuat makan. Heh.

Umm… aku harap, kau di sana baik-baik sahaja.

Aku harap, kau masih kuat macam dulu. Bersemangat! Haha

Umm… tadi, aku terjumpa gambar kita yang dulu.

Heh. Terus terkenang masa dulu.

Kau ingat tak, ada satu program tu yang kita pergi bersama, kita ramai-ramai kena kongsi kereta?
Berhimpit 6 orang dalam satu kereta. Kalau masing-masing kecik tak apa.. haha

Atau ada masa kita kena travel jauh untuk program mukhayyam di hutan..? Masak sama-sama, mandi sama-sama, tadabbur Quran sama-sama, tak cukup tidur sama-sama, senak perut sebab silap masak pun sama-sama. Oh, ngeri sungguh! Haha.

Kau masih ingat, ketika kita diberi taujih oleh akh-akh yang hebat, syuyukh-syuyukh yang berhikmah, ustaz-ustaz yang berilmu, masa tu, semuanya rasa tak mustahil.

Kau masih ingat masa-masa kita qiam dulu, kemudian paginya kita main bola, sarapan bersama..?

Aku sengaja tolak kau ke group talam lain, supaya kau tak habiskan makanan ditalam ku.

Wahahaha… sungguh jahat.

Tapi kau, aku tahu kau makan banyak, ada masa kau sengaja habis awal, beri peluang pada yang lain makan puas. Sebab sebelumnya kita sering makan bersama, dan aku tahu kau bagaimana.


Dan kau, masih ingat pada malam itu? Saat kau meluahkan masalahmu, meluahkan kerisauanmu, seolah tiada rahsia antara kita. Namun aku, hanya berdiam diri, tak mampu berkata apa-apa. Hanya mampu menitipkan doa untukmu.senyap-senyap dalam hatiku. Hanya mampu memujukmu sehabis daya ku.

Aku tahu bukan mudah hidup yang kau lalui.

Dan sungguh, aku tak mampu untuk memimpin mu ke akhir jalan ini.

Kerana hidup ku juga berliku. Bahkan, aku terlalu lemah!

Saat aku mendengar hadis,

“Seorang orang beriman (mukmin) adalah cerminan kepada orang beriman yang lain”

Aku merasa terpukul berkali-kali.

Aku bukan mukmin. Lantas apa yang berlaku kini, apa yang terjadi pada hubungan kita, boleh jadi kerana silapku. Rosaknya hubungan kita, adalah cerminan rosaknya iman ku. Aku lemah dalam menggenggam tangan mu. Aku lemah dalam meyakinkanmu ada cahaya di hujung jalan. Aku lemah dalam perilakuku. Gagal memberi contoh terbaik untukmu.

Ya, aku lemah!

Aku memerlukan masa membina diri ku kembali.

Dan dalam masa yang sama, kau berlalu pergi.


Kau masih ingat ayat surah Ali-Imran 3:103..?

Dan berpegang teguhlah kamu sekalian kepada tali Allah (agama Islam), dan janganlah kamu bercerai-berai; dan kenanglah nikmat Allah kepada kamu ketika kamu bermusuh-musuhan (semasa jahiliyah dahulu), lalu Allah menyatukan di antara hati kamu (sehingga kamu bersatu-padu dengan nikmat Islam), maka menjadilah kamu dengan nikmat Allah itu orang-orang Islam yang bersaudara. Dan kamu dahulu telah berada di tepi jurang neraka (disebabkan kekufuran kamu semasa jahiliyah), lalu Allah selamatkan kamu dari neraka itu (disebabkan nikmat Islam juga). Demikianlah Allah menjelaskan kepada kamu ayat-ayat keteranganNya, supaya kamu mendapat petunjuk hidayahNya.

Ini antara ayat kegemaran kita dulu.

Saat kita menghargai persaudaraan sesama kita.

Saat kita teguh diatas jalan-Nya.

Namun kini…


Carilah! Carilah kembali mereka yang mampu memberikan persaudaraan sebegini kepadamu.

Ukhwah yang lebih baik dari yang kuberi.

InsyaAllah, aku akan menunggumu di bahu jalan ini. Menoleh ke kanan dan kiri. Menjengah ke depan dan menoleh ke belakang.

Kalau-kalau aku ternampak kau. Kalau-kalau kau kembali.


Tapi kalau aku tiada, maafkan aku. Aku benar-benar bersalah atas apa yang berlaku.

Moga kita bertemu di suasana yang lebih baik. Suasana yang tiada pemisah antara kita. Kita bersahabat semula. Makan bersama seperti dulu. Tidak disini, aku harap di sana.

Aku merinduimu, sahabatku.

Benar-benar rindu. Tak tipu.

Yang ikhlas mencintaimu, sahabatku

tulisan: kemeja petak dan kopiah

Monday, August 10, 2015

Sharing: This World is Indeed Pretty, But


It has been a while since I last wrote anything and now that I am here, it was really tough to start.
The reason I stopped by today was partly because I've been away for so long, and another reason could be that, I just want to let things out and do some reasoning here, right the moment I am writing this entry. 

For the past many days, reaching months, I've been struggling to let myself out of expectation. I was literally bed ridden for being too weak to face this world. Literally, dying as my heart slowly darkened over the tests Allah has put me through. If only I could write it all, on how hard it was for me to open my eyes again, maybe it could be a great lesson for the future me to not let myself fall into the trap again, was my thoughts. How I struggled, to get out from the grip of my own faults. Things became so uncontrollable, I was really feeling like I was at the edge of a hill where with just another step backward, I would have definitely fall. 

Allah saved me. HE saved me for sure though I didn't know how. Because the only thing that I remembered after all that was, I was listing on simple things to do in my diary which I wrote as, "My daily Heart and Mind Treatment'. There are reminders everyday on my phone which said, "Go for treatment" and I, slowly, somehow, interestingly were getting back my colour.

I talked to my brother about it. I told him, "It was really difficult. I felt like Allah really want to fail me in this life..."
But he said something really convincing and soothing to me, "Allah is the Most Forgiving of All..."
With that sentence, there was a long silence in the atmosphere. I could not help but reflect myself.
My brother continued. "I envy you..." He made a confused statement.
I asked him, "What makes you said so...?"
"Allah really treasures you sister. From what I see, in every single thing that happened, despite the tears you have cried, despite the anger you have shown, despite the pain you have felt, in the end, you are lead to only one thing. It leads you to HIM..."
His words made me thought more deeply and seriously. It is true. So, true.

My brother continued, "You told me that day, remember? The day you were crying like there would be no tomorrow, saying things like, 'Why is it that you cannot get what you want?', 'Why is that you cannot live freely like others, doing whatever you feel like doing?'. You said you feel trapped...."
I nodded and nodded as he continued, "Fool. I really want to scold you, but since you are very emotionally unstable that day, how I restrained myself not to..." He confessed.

My brother told me that I should be grateful. Because I am actually trapped in Allah's love. 

HE, the Most Loving of ALL, made me see nothing other than HIM. Whenever I try to look away, even an inch away, HE pulled me back towards HIM, without I realizing. HE actually guarded me quite strictly and I am the one who is very blind to not try to see and think deeply, the reasons behind all the hurdles I was facing. 

HE showed me this world. HE showed me how pretty it is, from so many things around me. There are things, shoes, bags, clothes, house, cars, phone, laptop, money, jewellery. There are people, family, children, friends, strangers, lovers and all. There are appearances, tall, short, smart, good-looking, pretty, beautiful, cool, handsome, sweet and all. There are qualifications, rich, well-educated, degree, master and all. There are feelings, love, happiness, secure, comfortable and more. There are health and more. It would be a great lie if I say, I had no interest in any of the listed things above. Even not all, I have at least few things that I wanted to have from the list, few. And frankly, I was gifted with most of the things and despite that, I still want more.

That was why in my treatment list, one of it was to say 'Alhamdulillah' whenever possible. It is for me to see and open my eyes to things that were left unseen. 
The greatest test I had was on 'Love' and 'Lovers'. Maybe because Allah knows how I see and wish this more than any other things. Okay, I'm not making up on things and I'm not dragging what had past. But it was and it is still, a lesson for me. A lesson that brought me to where I am now. 

HE showed me love and how beautiful its existence in a human life. HE, for the first time, let me out of the safe zone HE had on me. HE let me explore and feel what I want to feel freely and this is where the test started. I envy others. I envy those who own love and so I want to own it too. Blindly letting my feelings go where it wants, I fall. And it was the most hurtful fall I've ever had. Because I was stubborn to stand again. Whining like a child, questioning when I shouldn't, that was how I lose myself. The expectation I had was too high but Allah let me expect more. HE drive me to the worst situation ever, and finally grab me when things has gone really tough on me. 

When I finally wake up. 'Forgive me Ya Rabbi. Forgive me Ya Rabbi..." Only that came out of my mouth. Only that was echoing in my mind. I realized how blind I was. To believe that true lover is one that I love, when it is only ALLAH is the true lover. How blind I was, to believe that true happiness is the happiness in this world when it is the happiness in the world After.

Dwelling with this kind of trivial things when I should be doing something great to save the ummah. I didn't know. I was so childish, really.

Okay, let by gone be by gone. It's not that I'm saying you shouldn't go for worldly things. No, okay. That wasn't that. I was just saying that, If you are upset with not having anything from this world, anything that to you is pretty, do not feel down or started to feel so low about yourself (Reminder for myself). I've said many times in my previous entries. Allah knows what is the best for us. If he didn't give us what we are hoping for, it is always with the reason that, it is not the best thing for us. HE just LOVES us so much. SO much, so much so much so much,

The world is just a temporary place. We may feel discourage for a few moment, for many times. But as long as we know what is the real deal of this life, it shouldn't sadden us any more.
Be afraid of only ALLAH. Be afraid of losing HIS love, HIS attention, HIS mercy. Be afraid of HIM who is the Most Powerful of ALL. Be afraid that he may blind us from seeing the real thing. Afraid only of HIM. But have faith. Have faith on HIM, who is the MOST LOVING of all. The MOST MERCIFUL. Have faith that something better was long prepared for us. HE DO give happiness to us in this world so no worries. The only thing is that, world happiness, does not last. Nothing last. Only Allah do.

Till here, today. See you soon.


My brother wrote this poem:

For Allah is embracing her warmly,
As she is indeed a beauty,
Losing her to human and world is a pity,
When she is worth more than a happy fantasy.

Dedicated To: My elder sister. Who is being tested by Allah greatly. You are smiling but I could feel how hard it is for you now. But, I have great faith in Allah. That you will get something way more better, greater than this. I know I've said it many times that, 'It's okay....' and you must have been saying the same thing to yourself more than thousand times. You may cry. But my prayers will always be with you. Allah, would be by your side, closer than before to let you go through this. So, stand up and fight again. For world is pretty only to the eyes of human, but what is more important is that, what is more pretty to Allah. Allong FIGHTING!!! With lots of love and care and concern from me to you.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Last 10 Days

The Last 10 Days. Does it sounds like a title from a new released movie in the cinema? Or maybe like a title of a suspense, thrilling genre novel in the new arrival section of famous book stores? It could be a poem, a sad one. It could be from a journal entry of someone, anyone. What do you think?

Assalamualaikum to All. Anne has been reinstated and is now writing in the house. It has been a while and I hope you are doing great in this blessing month of Ramadan. Anne's Dictionary of Life defined 'Blogging' as Reaching Hearts with Lessons from the Your Life Story. So, let's update a little. I just came back to IMU, starting my final year, with tears before leaving the Northern Land and with unexplainable determination the moment flight landed yesterday noon at Subang Airport.
When a new phase begin, a more challenging obstacles are waiting ahead to bring us closer to Allah, always have that in mind comrades.

Truthfully admitting, I am always anxious of the wave ahead. The burden of stepping into final year is unexpectedly even heavier that what I thought, but it is Ramadan. I feel strengthen even with the thought that it is a special month to Muslims. Month of Miracles. My faith to Allah doubled and tripled because I know HE's got my back. This is really a weird feeling that I am feeling. The usual, never fading protection and security from Allah to me, felt the greatest this month, I sense the difference and I hate the fact that, Ramadan would end in just half a month.

Cracking my mind up over a topic to write on, forcing frozen non-existing ideas to melt, opening the box of mood, hoping that I would have at least a little of it, left somewhere in any corner of the box, which unfortunately, none was. I finally decided to read on some stuffs in the internet and happen to read a piece of wonderful writing from my favourite writer, Yasmin Mogahed in her official website, which you could give yourself a touching tour of saving your soul whenever you feel like you are in need of it. I  found this nice title to write about.

Yasmin Mogahed wrote on four things that we can do in the last 10 days of Ramadan which are:

Set a private meeting with Allah, 
Locate a time for reflection 
Go for a trip with Allah  
Grab the Night of Power

Busy throughout the days, of course. So spare some hours in the night before Sahur to meet Allah, privately. (Or, you didn't even wake up for Sahur?) Well, if that is the case, reading this would not help. Hold on grip to the fact that this last 10 days only comes once in a year, make an effort to connect to Allah. You can pray, you can read Al-Quran, you can just recite Dua. There is no limit to what you should do and it is what you want to do. 

The Prophet ﷺ said: “When the last one-third of the night remains, our Lord, the Glorious One, descends towards the lower heaven and proclaims: ‘Is there anyone supplicating to Me, so that I grant his supplication? Is there anyone begging of Me for anything so that I grant him his wish? Is there anyone who seeks My forgiveness, so that I forgive him?’” [Bukhari and Muslim].
(Copied From:

Let us try to not use our tight schedule to the reason we could not find any free time for a self reflection everyday. I am reminding myself, at least. I know if possible, I would want to finish every single task in my to-do-list. But it never ends. Sometimes drowning and forgetting, take you a step away from the real reason of living, don't you think? We are struggling so hard till it breaks our head apart. What do you live for? This question appears in my head when I begin to seriously think about life. Take this golden opportunity in this blessing month, to reflect more. It is best when there are no distraction around you and begin reflecting. It never fails in making me feel better but I am not sure about you. You will never know, unless you try.

What do Yasmin Mogahed means when she wrote 'Trip with Allah'? First of all. If we are to go for a trip, what are the possible reasons to it? 

  • It's semester break, I need to go somewhere to de-stress
  • It has been quite a while since everyone in the family get together, so let's have some bonding time with each other
  • I want to get away from my problems and come back fresh and new
Indeed. We need to get away, sometimes. That's what she wrote, which is cool. With just Allah as your companion, bring yourself closer to him on the last 10 days. Away from the demanding world, but closer to Allah that creates this world. One of the thing that people always talk about when Ramadan is approaching or arrived.

  • Aisha (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to practice I`tikaf (seclusion) in the last ten nights of Ramadan and used to say, “Look for the Night of Qadr in the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan” [Bukhari].
  • The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever prays during the night of Qadr(power) with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven.” [Bukhari and Muslim]
  • Aisha (ra) said: “I asked the Prophet ﷺ, ‘O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night is the night of Qadr, what should I say during it?’ He said: ‘Say: O Allah, You are Oft-Pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me.'” [Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi]
  • [Copied from] 
With a good intention, I am just sharing what I just read. May the good in this entry be spread and reach more hearts. Even if it is lacking on my part, I hope that at least, one thing from here, touches the deepest part in your heart.

I end my, my writing here. I hope to greet you even sooner. Maybe later, but at least, I will try. So you too. Give a try. The process of bringing our heart, mind and ourselves to Allah is not something that can only be done in Ramadan. The battle is ongoing throughout our life. It is suppose to keep on going despite you are winning or failing. 


p/s: Dear pretty course mate, that came and greet me while I was writing this. I hope you enjoy reading this.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Cermin Amal

Betapa kerinduan pada ramadhan yang kita pendam-pendam diam sebelum ini telah berbunga. Ramadhan tiba dengan ribuan pesona. Seperti pesona seribu bulan serta makbulnya doa. Seperti pesona Al-Quran petunjuk buat sekalian manusia.
“Bulan ramadhan, bulan yang diturunkan di dalamnya al-Qur’an sebagai petunjuk bagi manusia dan pejelasan-penjelasan mengenai petunjuk itu dan pembeda (antara yang haq dan yang bathil)…” (Qs. Al-Baqarah: 185).
Sedar tidak sedar, kita sudah melewati separuh ramadhan yang tertinggal pada jejak masa sepanjang kita menempuh perjalanan ini. Alangkah ia seperti bunga-bungaan harum yang telah gugur dari pohonnya. Sungguh, harumnya tetap ada meski gugur semua.

Ketahuilah wahai saudara sekalian, kalian masih punya masa dengan izin-Nya, melainkan Izrail telah tiba untuk mencabut ruh dari jasad. Waktu itu, segalanya sudah terlambat. Hanya berharap pada segala amal kebajikan, serta doa dari yang masih bernafas.
Dan dari Ibnu Umar , dari Nabi , beliau bersabda:  
"Sesungguhnya Allah menerima taubat hamba selama ruh belum sampai
tenggorokan." HR: Ahmad 3/1532, 1330, at-Tirmidzi: 3537, dan dihasankan oleh
al-Albani dalam Shahih at-Targhib 3/218/3143 dan al-Misykaat: 2449, 2343).

Pada ramadhan kali ini yang barangkali ramadhan terakhir kita, gesalah jiwa dan padukan hati agar dapat meraih redha Allah melalui kemuliaan ramadhan. Entah bila lagi kita akan masih berpeluang mengeringkan tenggorakan dengan berpuasa khusus pada bulan ramadhan. 

Fastabiqul khairat! Kejar selagi terdaya, selagi termampu.

"...maka berlumba-lumbalah kamu dalam kebaikan..."(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:148)
"...maka berlumba-lumbalah berbuat kebaikan..."(Surah Al-Maidah 5:48)

Semoga kita semua dikuatkan jasadi dan disucikan ruhani dalam beramal agar kelak apabila kita menerima buku catatan amalan, tangan kananlah yang akan menyahut tenang.

Biarkan lidah kita basah dengan zikir.

Biarkan wang kita menyenangi perut si faqir

Usah bermalas-malasan untuk tarawih, tahajud mahupun witir.

Semuanya hanya untuk Pencipta kita, Tuhan yang menciptakan segala sesuatu. jadilah kita hamba yang patuh serta taat kepada-Nya.

Dan apabila wajah kita menhadap pada cermin amal, adakah kita dapat melihat jelas siapa diri kita di balik cermin? Justeru, perbanyakkan amal ibadah, ikhlaskan diri dalam beramal, bersegera dan lakukannya sungguh-sungguh. Moga-moga Allah menerima segala amalan kita, mengampuni dosa yang lalu serta mengurniakan redha-Nya ke atas kita.



Akhir sekali, ingin kami sampaikan khutbah sayyidina Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam di hari terakhir bulan Sya'ban untuk menyambut Ramadhan, hadits ini riwayatnya lemah namun teriwayatkan lebih dari 25 riwayat, dan pada makna-makna kalimatnya didukung oleh hadits-hadits shahih, maka pada hakikatnya meskipun hadits ini riwayatnya lemah namun merupakan perpaduan hadits-hadits shahih yang terpecah, dan riwayat di atas merupakan riwayat yang merangkum kesemuanya. Maka berikut ini khutbah beliau di akhir bulan Sya'ban seraya menyambut bulan Ramadhan:

أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ قَدْ أَظَلَّكُمْ شَهْرٌ عَظِيْمٌ، شَهْرٌ مُبَارَكٌ، شَهْرٌ فِيْهِ لَيْلَةٌ خَيْرٌ مِنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ، جَعَلَ اللهُ صِيَامَهُ فَرِيْضَةً، وَقِيَامَ لَيْلِهِ تَطَوُّعًا

Wahai manusia, sungguh telah datang kepadamu bulan yang agung, bulan yang penuh dengan keberkahan, yang didalamnya terdapat satu malam yang lebih baik (nilainya) dari seribu bulan, bulan yang mana Allah tetapkan puasa di siang harinya sebagai fardhu, dan shalat (tarawih) di malamnya sebagai sunah.

مَنْ تَقَرَّبَ فِيْهِ بِخِصْلَةٍ مِنَ الْخَيْرِ، كَانَ كَمَنْ أَدَّى فَرِيْضَةً فِيْمَا سِوَاهُ، وَمَنْ أَدَّى فِيْهِ فَرِيْضَةً كَانَ كَمَنْ أَدَّى سَبْعِيْنَ فَرِيْضَة فِيْمَا سِوَاهُ

Barang siapa mendekatkan diri kepada Allah di bulan ini dengan satu kebaikan (amalan sunnah), maka pahalanya seperti dia melakukan amalan fardhu di bulan-bulan yang lain. Barangsiapa melakukan amalan fardhu di bulan ini, maka pahalanya seperti telah melakukan 70 amalan fardhu di bulan lainnya.

وَهُوَ شَهْرُ الصَّبْرِ، وَالصَّبْرُ ثَوَابُهُ الْجَنَّةُ

Inilah bulan kesabaran dan balasan atas kesabaran adalah surga,

وَشَهْرُ الْمُوَاسَاةِ، وَشَهْرٌ يَزْدَادُ فِيْهِ رِزْقُ الْمُؤْمِنِ

bulan ini merupakan bulan kedermawanan dan simpati (satu rasa) terhadap sesama. Dan bulan dimana rizki orang-orang yang beriman ditambah.

مَنْ فَطَّرَ فِيْهِ صَائِمًا كَانَ مَغْفِرَةً لِذُنُوْبِهِ، وَعِتْقَ رَقَبَتِهِ مِنَ النَّارِ، وَكَانَ لَهُ مِثْلَ أَجْرِهِ مِنْ غَيْرِ أَنْ يَنْتَقِصَ مِنْ أَجْرِهِ شَيْءٌ

Barang siapa memberi makan (untuk berbuka) orang yang berpuasa maka baginya pengampunan atas dosa-dosanya dan dibebaskan dari api neraka dan dia mendapatkan pahala yang sama sebagaimana yang berpuasa tanpa mengurangi sedikitpun pahala orang yang berpuasa.

قَالُوْا: لَيْسَ كُلُّنَا نَجِدُ مَا يفطرُ الصَّائِمُ

Para sahabat berkata: "Wahai Rasulullah! tidak semua dari kami mempunyai sesuatu yang bisa diberikan kepada orang yang berpuasa untuk berbuka."

يُعْطِي اللهُ هَذَا الثَّوَابَ مَنْ فَطَّرَ صَائِمًا عَلَى تَمْرَةٍ أَوْ شَرْبَةَ مَاءٍ أَوْ مَذقَةَ لَبَنٍ

Rasulullah menjawab: "Allah akan memberikan pahala ini kepada orang yang memberi buka puasa walaupun dengan sebiji kurma, atau seteguk air, atau setetes susu".

وَهُوَ شَهْرٌ أَوَّلُهُ رَحْمَةٌ، وَأَوْسَطُهُ مَغْفِرَةٌ، وَآخِرُهُ عِتْقٌ مِنَ النَّارِ

Inilah bulan yang permulaannya (sepuluh hari pertama) Allah menurunkan rahmat, yang pertengahannya (sepuluh hari pertengahan) Allah memberikan ampunan, dan yang terakhirnya (sepuluh hari terakhir) Allah membebaskan hamba-Nya dari api neraka .

مَنْ خَفَّفَ عَنْ مَمْلُوْكِهِ غَفَرَ اللهُ لَهُ، وَأَعْتَقَهُ مِنَ النَّارِ

Barangsiapa yang meringankan hamba sahayanya di bulan ini, maka Allah SWT akan mengampuninya dan membebaskannya dari api neraka.

وَاسْتَكْثِرُوْا فِيْهِ مِنْ أَرْبَعِ خِصَالٍ، : خِصْلَتَيْنِ تَرْضْوَنِ بِهِمَا رَبَّكُمْ، وَخِصْلَتَيْنِ لَا غِنًى بِكُمْ عَنْهُمَا، فَأَمَّا الْخِصْلَتَانِ اللَّتَانِ تَرْضَوْنَ بِهِمَا رَبَّكُمْ فَشَهَادَةُ أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللهُ وَتَسْتَغْفِرُوْنَهُ، وَأَمَّا اللَّتَانِ لَا غِنَى بِكُمْ عَنْهُمَا فَتَسْأَلُوْنَ اللهَ الْجَنَّةَ وَ تَعُوْذُوْنَ بِهِ مِنَ النَّارِ

Perbanyaklah melakukan empat hal di bulan ini, yang dua hal dapat mendatangkan keridhaan Tuhanmu, dan yang dua hal kamu pasti memerlukannya. Dua hal yang mendatangkan keridhaan Allah yaitu syahadah (Laailaaha illallaah) dan beristighfar kepada Allah, dan dua hal yang pasti kalian memerlukannya yaitu mohonlah kepada-Nya untuk masuk surga dan berlindung kepada-Nya dari api neraka .

وَمَنْ أَشْبَعَ فِيْهِ صَائِمًا سَقَاهُ اللهُ مِنْ حَوْضِيْ شَرْبَةً لَا يَظْمَأُ حَتَّى يَدْخُلَ الْجَنَّةَ

Dan barang siapa memberi minum kepada orang yang berpuasa (untuk berbuka), maka Allah akan memberinya minum dari telagaku (Haudh) dimana dengan sekali minum ia tidak akan merasakan haus sehingga ia memasuki surga.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Appreciating Ramadan

Assalamualaikum to ALL out there.

Today, it is the sixth day we are fasting and so far, Is there any significant improvement in your daily life? Are you continuously reciting Al-Quran with Allah in heart? Have you said thanks to Allah? For giving you chance to arrive on this blessing month, again this year, without much efforts from us but with HIS mercy and hopes that we could change. We open our eyes today, and it is Ramadan. For He has given the chance for us all to repent on our mistakes and He has given us chance to collect as much rewards as possible during Ramadan. So don't, ever, ever, ever you waste it. Grab every seconds, remember him, do good deeds for him, be patience to get HIS blessings, read Al-Quran, Zikir, and whatever that you could, as your rewards are multiplied. 

Do you know what? I am on a semester break and all that I do at home was cleaning the house, doing the never end housework, making sure everything is in the right order, sending and taking my siblings to and from school, helping them with their assignments, visiting relatives and all. Well, I have some time for myself too, to do things that I want and like, to prepare for my coming semester and all. And yes, we are in a fasting month, so reading Al-Quran is a must. But, is that all to Ramadan? Living life like normal, fasting, praying Taraweh and reciting the Al-Quran? Well, I know there are so much of it if we are to talk about the blessings of Ramadan and the amal that we could do along way, very much that you could type it on Google and what is there left was for you to read.

My mom, every weekdays, from 4.30 am in the morning, I woke up and she was already in the kitchen, preparing food. She drives to work everyday, to another state, and came back late evening at around 6.30, helped dad and me in the kitchen, break fast, clear the kitchen, pray Maghrib, Read Al-Quran and fall asleep before Isyak, too tired, very tired. 
I told her,
"Mommy, if you are this tired, just pray Isyak and rest..." I told her apologetically, saying her that Taraweh is just a Sunnah
She smiled at me with her sleepy eyes when I woke her up during Azan and told me something very simple from her thoughts.
 "Angah, it's okay. I know it's sunnah. To me, since this prayer can only be done in Ramadan, I didn't want a miss even a day. We never know if next year, we could still have the chance to do it, that's why..."
Her answer, may sounds very basic and simple, from someone who understand Islam as so-so. But to me, it hit me right on the heart. It brings me back to the deepest importance of Ramadan, it made me realize how special Ramadan is and it made me appreaciate Ramadan.

Let's not get drown in worldly matters. Let's open our eyes and think with our heart. For this one time, for those who may have forgotten the blessings of Ramadan, let's try to remind ourselves and those around us. Doing the right things is good, but knowing the reason you are doing it, with heart I should say, is equally important.

There are many benefits to Ramadan and right this moment, I would just write about how it could affect our Taqwa and how Ramadan gives protection to us all. Bear with me comrades, like I always say, it may be something so trivial to you, but to people like me who always forget and need to be reminded, sometimes, it is good to write and say it many times.

Self-discipline, self-control, self-restraint and self-evaluation. All of these, if practiced, could increase our Taqwa to Allah. I bet everyone has heard about how Ramadan is the best month to change. For one month, if you do something routinely, it will become alive in your blood, making it a habit without fail even when Ramadan ends. Cool, right? Then, use this moment to become more discipline. Wake up early and help your mom to prepare Sahur to get Allah's blessings. Even though just by laying the plate on the table, Allah would reward you for sure. There are nothing to lose in Ramadan, if you do it all for Allah. Take this opportunity, to make those around you happy for Allah. And for those who are fasting far away from the family, it did not mean that you have nothing good to do. Wake up and Pray Tahajjud. Recite the Al-Quran. Have a personal, quiet, one-to-one talk with Allah early in the morning, do anything, that keep your heart and mind on him, and it will help you increase not only your discipline but taqwa. This is the time, we prepare for Hereafter, grab as many rewards as you can and learn to fear Allah so you would have a better self-restraint towards worldly stuffs.

The next benefit is the chance of becoming a better, good manner muslim. Well, it is about the same as the first one. Frankly, I really didn't know why my writing turn out that way. Anyway, we all know that we are free from the Satan whisper in Ramadan, but remember, we still have our nafsu to deal with. And trust me, for everyone, this is not something small to deal with. Sometimes, Allah tested us with a higher level of situation where it angers you to the maximum, to build your patience. We are to stay away from any immorality and the makrooh, masbooh and haram and this is the moment we are taught to restrain our self from what is wrong.

Sincerely, I think human, with the advance of technology and the widespread of entertainment nowadays, they began to forget and slowly drowning in this busy world. There are so many sources where good knowledge and islamic reminders, all over the media and books but not all actually pay attention to these things. We would drown too deep if we let ourselves loose for so long. Allah, has gives us everything that is the best for us, there are helping hands, supporting people around, there are boats to board around, there is also nearby land where you could start a new, and now, it is all depend on us, whether we want to be rescued, whether we want to swim and safe our self from the ocean of dunya or whether you want to stay drowning. The decision is actually ours. We are the creation of Allah that is given the ability to think and make our own decision. So, choose what is right.

 Never forget, another thing that Allah gives us in hand at the moment, time. As for this second, it is still ours and so we could still make good use of it. But, once the time return to the giver, Allah, there is really nothing else that is left with us dear friends. So, extend your hand, go against the strong current of the ocean, with Allah as reason you want to keep surviving in this harsh world to carry on our responsibility as a Muslim. Take this chance in this blessings month, pray to Allah to ease your way in struggling to the surface of the ocean. I know it is not easy, because you may be too deep inside, but slowly, slowly and patiently swim upwards. Though you may feel like it is dark ahead of you, when you have Allah in your heart, even with closed eyes, you could see the light.

Ramadan makes it easier for you as one of the big obstacle, the satans are chained. So, use it well, Fight your nafsu, fight the darkness within you. fight your past mistakes, fight to be better and remember to do it all for Allah, then only you would be rewarded and blessed.

Up to here for now. It has been a while since I last write, so I apologize for any failings in my part. Hope you enjoy reading. And as for today sharing, it is a verse from Surah Ibraheem that tells us about one of the greatness of Al-Quran


p/s: There was a joke in my family during Ramadan. After coming back from Taraweh, my three brothers would be acting as if they were carrying something heavy, "Tepi, tepi, tepi angah..." They would acting perfectly well, as if it was so heavy when not even a sinlg thing was on their hand. Do you know what, they said they are carrying their rewards and it is so much that they may have to go back to the mosque again to carry all back. Last few days, I asked my dad, "Baba, tak bawak balik pahala ka hari ni...?" I asked him, seeing him leisurely walked inside the house. And he answered, "Ish banyak sangat, baba tak tau berapa lori baru nak boleh bawak. Baba tinggai dulu la kat masjid..."

I know the rewards to 'Beribadah' is not countable. And to human, maybe few lorries of rewards are considered too much already, but Allah is giving us more, more than what we could ever thought. So, take the chance in Ramadan and prepare yourself for the Hereafter, a reminder to me and you all.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Aku & Ramadhan

Ahlan wa sahlan Ramadhan.
Inilah Ramadhan, bulan tarbiah, bulan yang bertujuan untuk mendidik.
Inilah bulan, dimana kita boleh mengenal, siapa kita sebenarnya.
Masa untuk mengenal diri sendiri.
Mengenal diri sendiri?

True Self & False Self

D.W. Winnicott, seorang paediatrician dan psychoanalyst telah memberikan idea nya dalam mengenal personaliti manusia, iaitu True Self & False Self. Idea ini kemudiannya dikembangkan oleh psychoanalyst yang lain pada tahun-tahun berikutnya.

Setiap dari kita punyai personaliti masing-masing. Namun, dari personality itu, bukan semuanya kita paparkan. Ada personality yang kita sengaja/tidak sengaja sembunyikan.

Atau, dari seorang ustaz syuyukh (orang lama) DnT yang ku hormati, dia berkongsi; manusia ini punyai lapisan-lapisan nya. Ada lapisan luar yang dia tunjukkan pada orang ramai, ada lapisan dalam yang sebenar yang dia sembunyikan.

Idea yang sama. Analogi yang berbeza.

Lapisan luar yang kita tunjukkan, kebanyakan hanyalah untuk tatapan umum. Untuk disukai, untuk dihormati, untuk disayangi & dihargai.
Dan disebabkan kita mendapat ‘comfort’ dengan lapisan luar ini, our true self mula kita ketepikan. Merasa, this is how I should be. Faking it out. Inilah yang dikatakan, narcissism.

Namun, setuju atau tidak, setiap dari kita ada sifat narcissism ini. Beza tahapannya sahaja.
Jadi, just be your true self.

True self
Walau ucapan ‘menjadi true self’ ini ada positifnya, namun ada sebab kenapa kita sembunyikannya.
Boleh jadi, true self kita ini, tidak lah sebaik mana, sangat negative, mudah berburuk sangka, dsb. Lalu, kita memilih untuk menyembunyikannya.

Dan itulah yang mahu kita perbaiki dalam bulan Ramadhan ini.

Nafsu dalam True Self

Berbeza dari Winnicott, Alice Miller, seorang psychologist berpendapat, true self ini bukanlah datang sekaligus. Bukan satu package. Ia bukan datang seolah disetkan sejak lahir, tapi ia terbina sedikit demi sedikit sepanjang kehidupan itu.
True self itu mampu dibina dan dididik. Ia mampu dibentuk.

Jadi, dalam kita mengenal true self kita, saya jatuh cinta bagaimana Islam menjelaskan mengenai diri kita. Our true self.

Segala perbuatan kita berpunca dari hati. Ini sabit hadis sahih Imam Bukhari & Muslim.
Dari hati, adanya keinginan/kehendak yang kita kenali sebagai nafsu. Dan dari nafsu itu terbahagi kepada dua.

"Dan tiadalah aku berani membersihkan diriku; sesungguhnya nafsu manusia itu sangat menyuruh melakukan kejahatan, kecuali (nafsu) yang telah diberi rahmat oleh Tuhanku. Sesungguhnya Tuhanku Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani."
Yusuf 12: 53

1.       1.  Nafsu yang menyuruh kepada kejahatan.
2.       2.  Nafsu yang diberi Rahmat oleh Tuhan.

Sudah tentu ada pendetailan mengenai nafsu itu sendiri kepada nafsu lawwamah, mutmainnah, amarah, dan beberapa jenis lagi, namun itu bukanlah fokus kali ini. Tapi lebih kepada mengenal sifat nafsu itu sendiri.

Nafsu itu asasnya mempunyai dua sifat. Satu mampu merosakkan, dan satu mampu menguatkan.

Ulama tasawwuf (jika boleh saya quote dari Habib al-Jufri; hanya untuk bab nafsu ini sahaja) membahagikan nafsu dalam dirinya itu sebagai satu entiti.
Seolah satu individu lain dalam diri.
Kemampuan ‘individu’ ini pula, ia mampu mempengaruhi keputusan kita. Sama ada baik, atau jahat.

Jadi penting untuk kita jelas mengenai nafsu itu sendiri. Supaya kita mampu manfaatkannya.

Individu Tersembunyi

Kesan dari kita jelas akan adanya nafsu dalam diri, kita akan mula sedar keinginan yang ia mahukan.
Kita mampu menapis nya terlebih dahulu.
Kerana ada masanya, hati ini kita turutkan saja.
Tanpa memikirkan langsung kesannya.

”Terangkanlah kepadaku tentang orang yang menjadikan hawa nafsunya sebagai tuhannya. Maka apakah kamu dapat menjadi pemelihara atasnya?. atau apakah kamu mengira bahwa kebanyakan mereka itu mendengar atau memahami. Mereka itu tidak lain, hanyalah seperti binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat jalannya (dari binatang ternak itu)”.

Start to learn to say NO to our nafs.
Belajar untuk mengenal nafsu diri.

Ramadhan Mengunci Syaitan
Justeru, Ramadhan adalah masa terbaik untuk kita mengenal diri. Mengenai true self kita.
Perhatikan hati kita. Awasinya. Lihat, apa yang ia mahukan dari kita.
Apa yang kita tahu darinya, itulah status diri kita. Status hati kita.
Kerana tiada lagi syaitan untuk menggoda.
Hanya kita & nafsu sahaja.
Inilah masanya.
Medan tempur kita.
Bersedia untuk menghadapi the real you?

Tarbiah Dzatiyyah (Pendidikan Diri Sendiri)

Inilah masa untuk kita mendidik diri kita.
Mendidik true self kita.
Bukan sekadar lapisan luaran.
Bukan sekadar ‘nampak’ baik, tapi benar-benar cuba untuk menjiwai kebaikan itu.
Didik sehingga ke lapisan paling dalam.
Supaya apa yang kelihatan diluar, adalah apa yang hasil dari dalam.

Bukan lagi False self. Tiada lagi berpura-pura.
Hanya kita & Allah. Itu saja. Bukan untuk orang lain. Hanya untuk Dia.

Sampai bila?
Sampai kita bertemu dengan Nya kelak.
Saat kita akan tersenyum, dan merasa rindu untuk bertemuNya.
Kita redha kepadaNya, Dia juga redha akan kita.

Sementara kita masih punya Ramadhan. Manfaatkannya.
Bukan sebulan ini, tapi untuk 11 bulan akan datang.
Learn to build the new & better you.

Medan Muhasabah

Jadi, persiapkan diri untuk menghadapi Ramadhan selama sebulan ini.
Kurangkan perkara-perkara yang tidak berfaedah.

Seperti seorang akh yang ku kenal, dia berazam untuk tidak pergi ke bazaar sepanjang Ramadhan.
Pada mulanya aku tak faham, kenapa? Pelik betul azam Ramadhan dia yang ini.
Sehinggalah selepas itu aku ke Bazaar, dan aku mula memahami kenapa.
Anda lebih tahu apa yang anda lakukan.
Rancang & laksanakan.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Sabda Rasulullah saw (bermaksud):

"Berapa ramai yang berpuasa tidak memperolehi apa-apa dari puasanya kecuali lapar dan dahaga. Berapa ramai orang mendirikan solat malam tidak memperolehi apa-apa kecuali berjaga malam dan keletihan "
(Riwayat Ibnu Majah daripada Abu Hurairah. Telah dihasankan oleh Albani).

Let the your true self be centralized around Allah, the Creator of the universe,
Rather than it be centralized around Dunya, which you will leave it one day..

Ramadhan Mubarak. 

Allahul musta'an. Semoga Allah memberi anda dan saya yang menulis ini kekuatan. Amin.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Aku ketagih?


I believe, it is safe for me to say, that each one of us has (some sort of) addiction.Whether it’s good or bad, we all have it. Well, most of us in a way.

Cuma kadang, kita tak sedar pun mengenainya. Dan tertanya, apa itu ketagihan?

Aku ada ketagihan ke?

Bagi aku, ketagihan itu adalah:

      1. Sebuah perbuatan yang kita SUKA lakukan, tapi kita GAGAL mengawalnya.     
      2. Kita pasti akan melakukannya hampir setiap hari.

Bila kita bercakap mengenai dua aspek ini, agak-agak ada tak kaitannya dengan kehidupan seharian kita? Dari bangun tidur, hingga kita mula melelapkan mata.

Pasti ada.

Contoh paling mudah, telefon pintar yang kita punya.Di sanalah kita meng’update’ status, meng’upload’ gambar, dan paling kerap, bermain game. Baik dari kecil, mahupun yang sudah tua. Semua terkena. Tindakannya tidak mampu dikawal. Seolah tidak lengkap hari jika tidak bermain telefon pintar. Serba tidak kena. Mati akal, tak tahu nak buat apa.

Meskipun itu hanyalah ketagihan dari telefon pintar, namun ia masih lagi ketagihan. Lalu siapa sedar ketagihannnya itu suatu yang merugikan?

“Alah, itu standard la… main game dalam telefon je kot..”

Dan kini ia telah menjadi standard. Lumrah kebiasaan.

Untuk kita GAGAL mengawal diri, dikira perkara biasa dan normal dalam hidup. Begitu kan? Ini hanyalah salah satu contoh. Banyak lagi ketagihan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat.


Itulah masalah dengan ketagihan.

Ia akan sentiasa dipandang OK oleh pelaku kerana ia perbuatan yang dia gemar lakukan.

“Kenapa perlu berhenti jika perkara itu best?”

Logik akalnya.

Atas asas yang sama, ketagihan mampu mempengaruhi pemikiran seseorang, sehingga menjejaskan penilaian baik dan buruk sesuatu perkara. Kita mungkin rasa ‘biasa’ membuang masa. Pelaku yang lain juga rasa ‘biasa’. 

Bezanya, kau ketagih main telefon, dia ketagih main benda lain.

Bezanya, kau merugikan masa, dia bernafsu serakah pada insan lain.

Rasional bagi kau, tidak rasional bagi dia.

Kerana ruang berfikir rasional sudah tiada lagi.

"Alah, rugi masa je. Tapi aku puas."

"Alah, tengok kat laptop je. Tapi aku puas."

Bukan rasional akal yang menyukatnya, tapi kepuasan hati yang menjadi raja

"Adakah kamu pernah melihat orang menjadikan hawa nafsunya sebagai tuhannya maka apakah kamu dapat menjadi pemeliharaannya?" Al-Furqan 25:43

Ketagihan, walau bagaimana kau memandangnya, ia tetap merugikan dan sangat membahayakan.


Antara ketagihan jijik lain yang menular dalam masyarakat kita adalah ketagihan pornografi.

Rata-rata remaja, baik sekolah agama sekalipun, tidak terlepas dari ketagihan ini. Lelaki mahupun perempuan. Bahkan, yang sudah berumah tangga juga ketagih yang sama. Mungkin lebih teruk dengan ketagihan pada perkara lain.


Masalah ketagihan sudah merebak disetiap lapisan umur. Ia ibarat virus jelek yang menjangkiti masyarakat kita. Baik si kecil sudah punyai ketagihan, apalagi yang dewasa. Kita sudah terlalu biasa dengan ketagihan, sudah terlalu lama, sehingga kita tidak nampak jalan keluar.

Akhirnya, kita menerimanya, dan merasakan ia, ‘biasa’….

Maka lahirlah generasi, demi generasi, yang GAGAL mengawal diri.

Berbalik pada soalan saya tadi,

“Siapa yang merasa ketagihannya itu membuang masa?”

Tidur lewat. Kerja tak siap. Jiwa kacau. Semua kerana melayan ketagihan.

Jadi itulah dia, bila kita melakukan perkara yang kita suka, kita tak nampak keburukannya.



Pertama sekali kita perlu jelas dan akui, bahawa kita memang punyai masalah ketagihan. Kerana dengan kita mengakuinya, baru kita boleh memikirkan cara untuk mengubatinya.

Jangan berdalih.

Jangan menipu diri sendiri.

Jujur dengan diri. Kita memang punyai ketagihan.

Kerana hanya yang mahukan pertolongan, yang akan ditolong.


Namun bukan mudah untuk membenci perkara yang kita suka kan?

Yang baik tidak dapat kita sembunyikan. Akal yang sihat pasti tak dapat menafikan.

Yang buruk tetap buruk.


Kedua, cari jalan penyelesaian.

Cari alternatif. Explore sport, books, humanitarian activities, travels, anything. Just get yourself busy and ENJOY doing it. Cari support group. Keluar dari persekitaran lama. Pindah jika mampu.

Sebab masalah ketagihan ini bukan masalah habit.

Ia masalah psychological, masalah biology badan.

It's ALL about dopamine.

Dopamine memberikan kita rasa seronok pada sesuatu perkara. Dan kita semakin lama, semakin ketagih padanya. Jika level dopamine tidak mencapai tahap seperti awalnya, kita akan tambahkan lagi. Tambahkan lagi. Lebih lama kau spend masa. Lebih banyak cabang kau mencuba.

Sebab itulah, you can't do this alone.

You've been having this addiction for years, ingat boleh keluar seorang diri?

Boleh, jika ia tidak kronik.

Tapi bagi yang dah kronik?

Get help.

Bina kekuatan untuk keluar. And this will definitely takes time.

Don't let you be defined by chemicals in your body.

You are human, NOT animals.

Ketiga, mujahadahlah.

Istiqomah. Bertahanlah. Bersabarlah.

Dan sabarlah, kerana sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mensia-siakan pahala orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan.
Hud 11:115


Easy said than being done kan? Tapi percayalah, pada awalnya memang terasa susah. Rasa hilang arah tuju. Bosan. Tak senang duduk. Jiwa kacau. Tapi yakinlah, ini yang terbaik. Allah akan menggantikan yang lebih baik. Dia tidak akan mensia-siakan hambaNya yang sedang memperbaiki diri.

Maka barangsiapa bertaubat sesudah melakukan kejahatan itu dan memperbaiki diri, maka sesungguhnya Allah menerima taubatnya. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.Al-Maidah 5:39


Kita adalah sebahagian dari masyarakat ini, dan kita ini perlu peka dan sensitif. Masalah ketagihan bukan masalah baru. Bukan seorang dua yang kena.

Ini adalah masalah serius.

Berapa ramai pemuda bahkan yang tua terjerat sama?

Adik-adik kita, rakan-rakan, bahkan mungkin diri kita sendiri?

Kegagalan kita dalam menangani masalah ini membuatkan kita ‘terkejut beruk‘ bila ada kes-kes ketagihan luar biasa berlaku.

Kerana apa?

Kerana kita cuba untuk sweep it under the carpet bila melihat ketagihan-ketagihan ‘ringan’ berlaku. Buat-buat tak tahu. Bila sudah teruk, baru kau terkejut. Sedangkan awalnya, kau dan aku jelas perangai masyarakat kita bagaimana.

Semua ketagihan ada permulaannya. Dan lebih mudah untuk kita kawal ketagihan jika kita bendung nya dari awal.


Kau dan aku punya upaya untuk mengubah masyarakat.Janji kau jelas, punya semangat, persiapkan diri, maka tetaplah dengan prinsip itu. Berhikmahlah dengan langkahmu.

Kerana kau dan aku, adalah agen taghyir.

“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan suatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri”
Al Ra’du 13:11

Aku kira tidak salah jika kita mengimpikan untuk punyai masyarakat yang mampu mengawal diri kan?