Malaysia a Christian Nation?

What do I think? What do you think I think? I am a Muslim. So again, what do you think I think? A yes? No?

Fiqh Medic

What are the legal maxims of Islamic Law (QAWA’ID FIQHIYYAH). Let's say, if a patient is having a colostomy bag (which contains his urine or feces), would the ablution be valid? How about, if a women is in labour (bear in mind that giving birth to the first child can be as long as 19hours); can she still performs Salah? (Let's find the answer here.)

Men VS Women

Let's think critically. Who is the one which better in governing this world!? Men, who have more influencing and have strong character or women, who have emotional values, and boundless cares and love?

Are You Ready to Fall in Love??

What is love to begin with? we might assume that we have that sort of wonderful love, unshakeable by no others even death. We may sacrifice anything to our beloved person. But, if we claimed that we love Rasulullah, where are the proofs? You are willing to sacrifice anything for his sake?

Does God need us?

Now, tell me, what are the differences between this human-made lego tree and the one who created by our almighty creator,our god?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Rise & Shine : Fajr

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Loving of All.
May peace be upon you, and may Allah bless your life here and after.

Being away for so long, and it was all thanks to Allah that He moved my heart today, to pay a visit to this so-called long-left world of writing. It was also all thanks to Him, that has water my wilted will of writing again.

In this long yet short journey, I often forget. But Allah reminded me again and again. giving me chance again, and again. His forgiveness is way beyond His anger and for that, I'm so grateful. For every morning that I opened my eyes, still breathing, still able to do good deeds. For all the blessings, the rezeki, the safety, the protection, the peace HE is giving, all that I see or couldn't see, I could only utter 'Alhamdulillah'

Dear brothers and sisters,
There is this one thing that I have been wanted to share with you all. It is a about Fajr prayer (Subuh prayer)
First of all, I am not perfect. I am making it clear, that I am imperfect. Sharing this does not mean I am better and you are not. So please, do not take my intention in a bad way. We are all Muslims. We are all brothers and sisters. There are only good things that I pray for all of you and only good things that I want to happen to all of you. I wish nothing else, than to have all Muslims, in Jannah. May Allah have mercy on me and every of us. Amin

Recently, I found a good thing about Instagram. There is an account, named @fajreminders, solely reminds the Muslims on Fajr. Waking up every morning, greeted by such inspiring reminders about Fajr, the only thing that crossed my mind was, "I hope everyone knows about this..."

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH : Peace be Upon Him) said,
"The two (sunnah) rakaat of Fajr are better than the world and what it contains..."
"Whoever pray Fajr is under the protection of Allah..."
"There are angels who take turns in visiting you by night and day, and they all assemble at Fajr and Asr prayers. those who have spent the night with you ascend to the heaven and their Rabb, Who knows better about them, asks: 'In what condition did you leave My slaves?' They reply: 'we left them while they were performing Salat and we went to them while they were performing Solat..."

There was something that made me reflected myself today. Yesterday I was talking with one of my very nice housemate. I told her that in my CV for internship application, the only thing I am confident of about myself is my punctuality. Well, I guess at least I've been taking it that way all this while, until today.
Someone shared and reminded,

You don’t want to be late for exams, but you’re okay to be late for Fajr?

And I was stunned and dumbfounded. Reflecting myself right that moment. Why is it that I never thought of this? This is so true. I hate to be late for anything. And I always make sure I am early rather than being punctual. Meeting, examination, class and all worldly matters. But sadly, I never thought to be early for prayers. It was like I took prayer as something different than other things, when it is actually, the real, big thing. The real meeting of all.

But dear brothers and sisters, it’s okay. Never feel that we are the bad ones. Never take this story of mine as something that hurt you, or something that make you feel bad about yourself. No. Do you know why? Because you are still breathing.

Subhanallah, as long as we are still breathing, we can always put on efforts to change. And Alhamdulillah. That Allah still care, that He brought you here, so you know the facts that:
1)      Every morning is beautiful when we talk to Allah first
2)      A day that starts with Fajr, is a day worth living
3)      Fajr is your protection shield for whole day
4)      Praying Fajr brightens our day even when the sun is not in the mood to shine.

Indeed in our every morning, you are to choose between the comfort you are sleeping on and Fajr Prayer. It is not an easy thing to decide, I know. I know exactly how it felt.
But you can always ask Allah to help you wake up for Fajr. Recite Dhikr. Read Ayatul Kursi before you sleep and you’ll be protected from Shaytan the whole night. InshaAllah, when it is time, trust me, no, I mean trust Allah. He will wake you up for SURE. YOU will wake up for sure!
And you know what? From my own experience, we do wake up. You do wake up. But the
 next thing that happen, is depending on how strong you are. How important Allah to you that you’d rather wake up, talking to Him and pleasing Him than sleeping back. So think about it. Sort your mind and choose. Keep trying because I am too.
Fajr is a test of your commitment to Allah.

That is all for now. Forgive me if anything that I wrote hurt. May Allah have mercy and forgive me, you, our families, our friends, our Muslim brothers and sisters.
Credit to @farreminders. May Allah give rewards to everyone who shares good things that mend the heart and soul. And you can be one.
Spread goodness.


 Picture from: @fajreminders

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Warkah buat Sahabat

Ke hadapan sahabatku yang 'menjauh',


Apa khabar disana?

Aku dengar kau sedang melalui alam baru, di tempat baru.

Bagaimana di sana? Semua baik-baik sahaja?

Oh aku, aku sihat saja. Macam biasa, masih kuat makan. Heh.

Umm… aku harap, kau di sana baik-baik sahaja.

Aku harap, kau masih kuat macam dulu. Bersemangat! Haha

Umm… tadi, aku terjumpa gambar kita yang dulu.

Heh. Terus terkenang masa dulu.

Kau ingat tak, ada satu program tu yang kita pergi bersama, kita ramai-ramai kena kongsi kereta?
Berhimpit 6 orang dalam satu kereta. Kalau masing-masing kecik tak apa.. haha

Atau ada masa kita kena travel jauh untuk program mukhayyam di hutan..? Masak sama-sama, mandi sama-sama, tadabbur Quran sama-sama, tak cukup tidur sama-sama, senak perut sebab silap masak pun sama-sama. Oh, ngeri sungguh! Haha.

Kau masih ingat, ketika kita diberi taujih oleh akh-akh yang hebat, syuyukh-syuyukh yang berhikmah, ustaz-ustaz yang berilmu, masa tu, semuanya rasa tak mustahil.

Kau masih ingat masa-masa kita qiam dulu, kemudian paginya kita main bola, sarapan bersama..?

Aku sengaja tolak kau ke group talam lain, supaya kau tak habiskan makanan ditalam ku.

Wahahaha… sungguh jahat.

Tapi kau, aku tahu kau makan banyak, ada masa kau sengaja habis awal, beri peluang pada yang lain makan puas. Sebab sebelumnya kita sering makan bersama, dan aku tahu kau bagaimana.


Dan kau, masih ingat pada malam itu? Saat kau meluahkan masalahmu, meluahkan kerisauanmu, seolah tiada rahsia antara kita. Namun aku, hanya berdiam diri, tak mampu berkata apa-apa. Hanya mampu menitipkan doa untukmu.senyap-senyap dalam hatiku. Hanya mampu memujukmu sehabis daya ku.

Aku tahu bukan mudah hidup yang kau lalui.

Dan sungguh, aku tak mampu untuk memimpin mu ke akhir jalan ini.

Kerana hidup ku juga berliku. Bahkan, aku terlalu lemah!

Saat aku mendengar hadis,

“Seorang orang beriman (mukmin) adalah cerminan kepada orang beriman yang lain”

Aku merasa terpukul berkali-kali.

Aku bukan mukmin. Lantas apa yang berlaku kini, apa yang terjadi pada hubungan kita, boleh jadi kerana silapku. Rosaknya hubungan kita, adalah cerminan rosaknya iman ku. Aku lemah dalam menggenggam tangan mu. Aku lemah dalam meyakinkanmu ada cahaya di hujung jalan. Aku lemah dalam perilakuku. Gagal memberi contoh terbaik untukmu.

Ya, aku lemah!

Aku memerlukan masa membina diri ku kembali.

Dan dalam masa yang sama, kau berlalu pergi.


Kau masih ingat ayat surah Ali-Imran 3:103..?

Dan berpegang teguhlah kamu sekalian kepada tali Allah (agama Islam), dan janganlah kamu bercerai-berai; dan kenanglah nikmat Allah kepada kamu ketika kamu bermusuh-musuhan (semasa jahiliyah dahulu), lalu Allah menyatukan di antara hati kamu (sehingga kamu bersatu-padu dengan nikmat Islam), maka menjadilah kamu dengan nikmat Allah itu orang-orang Islam yang bersaudara. Dan kamu dahulu telah berada di tepi jurang neraka (disebabkan kekufuran kamu semasa jahiliyah), lalu Allah selamatkan kamu dari neraka itu (disebabkan nikmat Islam juga). Demikianlah Allah menjelaskan kepada kamu ayat-ayat keteranganNya, supaya kamu mendapat petunjuk hidayahNya.

Ini antara ayat kegemaran kita dulu.

Saat kita menghargai persaudaraan sesama kita.

Saat kita teguh diatas jalan-Nya.

Namun kini…


Carilah! Carilah kembali mereka yang mampu memberikan persaudaraan sebegini kepadamu.

Ukhwah yang lebih baik dari yang kuberi.

InsyaAllah, aku akan menunggumu di bahu jalan ini. Menoleh ke kanan dan kiri. Menjengah ke depan dan menoleh ke belakang.

Kalau-kalau aku ternampak kau. Kalau-kalau kau kembali.


Tapi kalau aku tiada, maafkan aku. Aku benar-benar bersalah atas apa yang berlaku.

Moga kita bertemu di suasana yang lebih baik. Suasana yang tiada pemisah antara kita. Kita bersahabat semula. Makan bersama seperti dulu. Tidak disini, aku harap di sana.

Aku merinduimu, sahabatku.

Benar-benar rindu. Tak tipu.

Yang ikhlas mencintaimu, sahabatku

tulisan: kemeja petak dan kopiah