Malaysia a Christian Nation?

What do I think? What do you think I think? I am a Muslim. So again, what do you think I think? A yes? No?

Fiqh Medic

What are the legal maxims of Islamic Law (QAWA’ID FIQHIYYAH). Let's say, if a patient is having a colostomy bag (which contains his urine or feces), would the ablution be valid? How about, if a women is in labour (bear in mind that giving birth to the first child can be as long as 19hours); can she still performs Salah? (Let's find the answer here.)

Men VS Women

Let's think critically. Who is the one which better in governing this world!? Men, who have more influencing and have strong character or women, who have emotional values, and boundless cares and love?

Are You Ready to Fall in Love??

What is love to begin with? we might assume that we have that sort of wonderful love, unshakeable by no others even death. We may sacrifice anything to our beloved person. But, if we claimed that we love Rasulullah, where are the proofs? You are willing to sacrifice anything for his sake?

Does God need us?

Now, tell me, what are the differences between this human-made lego tree and the one who created by our almighty creator,our god?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Analogi sebatang mancis dengan gunung

Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters

Problem!! Problem!!

Analogi sebatang mancis dengan gunung

“Anak mancis dan Gunung

Besar beza saiz keduanya ni!! Mana lagi besar?


dan inilah yang berlaku kepada kita sekarang ni.” ( korang kene bc smpai abes br faham anology ni)

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W,

"Sesiapa yang menjadikan akhirat sebagai kerisauannya maka Allah S.W.T akan memperkayakan hatinya dan harta benda dunia akan datang kepadanya dalam keadaan tunduk dan hina, dan sesiapa yang menjadikan dunia sebagai kerisauannya, Allah S.W.T akan menjadikan kemiskinan terbayang-bayang di hadapannya dan dia akan diselubungi kesusahan. Dia tidak akan mendapat di dunia lebih daripada apa-apa yang telah ditakdirkan."

Hadith riwayat Ibnu majah dan Tirmizi.

Dewasa ini, setiap manusia, tidak kira muslim atau non- muslim kesemuanya mempunyai masalah peribadi yang tersendiri. Seorang pelajar sibuk dengan pelajarannya, pekerja dengan permasalahan pekerjaannya, ibu dengan urusan rumah tanggannya dll. Pendek kata, setiap orang disibukkan dengan sesuatu.

Hari ini, kita amat terkesan dengan suasana. Pelajar sibuk memikirkin bagaimana meningkatkan CGPA,, seorang ayah memikirkan bagaimana mahu menjana ekonomi tambahan, sebuah syarikat mahu memajukan perniagaannya dan sebagainya. Why??

Kerana umumnya kita sentiasa sibuk mengatakan perkara sebegini setiap masa dan keadaan. We emphasize the importance of those thing every single day. Acapkali kita dibayangkan oleh janji-janji keduniaan, dan ianya menjadi ucapan sehari-hari

:::: Duit, pangkat, harta, kekayaan, kecantikan

:::: kerje sekian-sekian, dapat gaji hujung bulan

:::: belajar pandai-pandai, dapat kerja bagus

:::: Wat itu dan ini, akan dapat sesuatu at the end of the day

Tp kte mungkin lupe dan kurang mendengar janji-janji Allah. Jarang-jarangnya kita mendengar tentang perkara ghaibl ; wujudnya mizan, titian sirat, syurga, neraka dan sebagainya. Dalam percakapan sehari-hari, kita lebih banyak bercakap kelebihan dan kehebatan perkara keduniaan tanpa dapat melihat kesemua perkara ini adalah kudrat kekuatan dan kehebatan Allah s.w.t.

laki-laki dan perempuan yang banyak menyebut (nama) Allah, Allah telah menyediakan untuk mereka ampunan dan pahala yang besar. Al-Ahzab:21

Yes, worldly matters truly are our problem. No doubt. Tapi, sedar atau tidak, kesemua ini hanyalah masalah kecil.

“What, small problem!!!! Small problems in which with tawajjuh to Allah and necessary action taken, insyaAllah will be solved. ermm, so what is our main concern?”

permasalahan yang besar ialah akhirat kita, iaitu kehidupan yang kekal abadi.

Hadis Riwayat Imam at Tirmizi

عَنْ شَدَّادِ بْنِ أَوْسٍعَنْ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ الْكَيِّسُ مَنْ دَانَ نَفْسَهُ وَعَمِلَ لِمَا بَعْدَ الْمَوْتِ وَالْعَاجِزُ مَنْ أَتْبَعَ نَفْسَهُ هَوَاهَا وَتَمَنَّى عَلَى اللَّهِ

“Ketahuilah bahwa kehidupan dunia hanyalah permainan dan pelalaian, dan perhiasan, dan bermegah-megahan antara kamu, dan persaingan dalam harta benda dan anak-anak. Seperti perumpamaan hujan yang tanamannya menakjubkan orang-orang yang ingkar, kemudian ia menjadi kering, maka engkau melihatnya menguning, kemudian ia menjadi hancur. Dan di akhirat ada siksaan yang keras, dan keampunan dari Tuhan, dan keridhaan. Dan tiadalah kehidupan dunia itu selain kesenangan yang menipu.” (Quran 57:20)

Hari ini, kita lemas dengan kehendak nafsu kita. Kita lupa orang yang bijak menjadikan dunia sebagai ladang dan jambatan untuk menyampaikan ke akhiratnya. Sebagaimana disebutkan di dalam sebuah hadith :-

Dunia ini ibarat ladang. Di sinilah tempat kita bercucuk tanam. Hasilnya akan kita tuai di Akhirat.

Dari Syaddaad bin Aus dari Nabi صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ baginda telah bersabda Orang yang cerdik ialah orang yang bermuhasabah diri dan ia beramal untuk hari-hari selepas mati Orang yang lemah ialah mereka mengikut hawa nafsunya dan ia berangan-angan keatas Allah

Berbalik kepada anologi diatas, mancis( permasalahan dunia)-gunung( permasalahn akhirat)

Hari ini, kerana kurangnya fikir agama, kita dilalaikan dengan kehendak keduniaan atau permasalah kedunian kita semata-mata dengan lupa melakukan kehendak agama.

Kenapa mancis dilihat besar?

Kerana tumpuan dan tawajjuh kita hanya pada melihat anak mancis di depan anak mata kita( Fokus melihat mancis depan mata, hampir-hampir menujah anak mata), permasalahan yang sedang kita lalui sehingga kita tidak nampak atau lupa gunung dibelakang mancis iaitu kehidupan akhirat kita , dimana samada kelazatan syurga atau azab neraka.

Dan (sungguh ngeri) sekiranya engkau melihat ketika orang-orang yang berdosa itu menundukkan kepalanya di hadapan Tuhan mereka (dalam keadaan malu dan hina, sambil merayu): "Wahai Tuhan kami, kami telah melihat dan mendengar dengan sejelas-jelasnya (akan segala yang kami ingkari dahulu); maka kembalikanlah kami ke dunia supaya kami mengerjakan amal-amal yang baik; sesungguhnya kami sekarang telah yakin". (As-Sajdah 32:12)

Hari ini, kita yakin dengan usaha kita sehingga tiada masa untuk bertawajjuh kepada Allah. Kita lupa dengan keimanan yang sempurna dan amalan agama akan dapat menarik bantuan Allah S.W.T dengan setiap perkara yang dilakukan. Why not, dapat Allah, dapat segala-galanya.

Take care all. Wallahua'lam. Wassalam.

by Zamir Amno

Friday, January 21, 2011

As-Shifa' Magazine

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

The above is the front cover of our newly published magazine for January 2011. It is for you and people you want to share it with, and don't worry it's free. For download, please go to our download page (section) above. This one you see (above) is the 41st Edition. On the download page, you can also download the previous edition and other materials as well if you are interested.

Alternative: Click here
The following are some snapshots of the magazine in the electronic version. There will be a background music as well for this version. This January edition (Theme: Wake Up) features the song 'Hear Your Call' by Sami Yusuf.

Willing to contribute?

We welcome you. And we will try to accomodate as many contributions not only into the magazine but also on our blog. 
Should there is good response, we will however have to filter and choose the best from the best before we selectively publish them.

As promised, IMU students currently studying in Bukit Jalil will be presented with a special gift as a way of saying thank you from us. But then again, we hope Allah will reward us more, as not only He is the Most Wealthy, His reward is also the best, especially in the Hereafter.

Just so that we can contact you, thank you and inform you if yours is selected, please provide us the following:

1. Full Name (We will not publish this and keep it private if you tell us so)
2. Pen name (If any)
3. Email and Phone Number
4. Batch Name e.g. ME108 (If you are from IMU) 

Thank you for dropping by. We hope to hear from you and we pray may Allah always bless us all. For any inquiries, please contact us at

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Do We Wish?

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Every year, even in Malaysia of multiracial and multireligious background, we have many celebrations and religious events. In this article, the subject of discussion is Christmas, which is celebrated by Christians (and nowadays by many non-Christians too) on the 25th of December every year across the globe.

An issue however arises. For Muslims, is it okay if we wish a Merry Christmas to our Christian friends? 

Well, I am not in the position to give the answer. But the following is a piece of thought, assisted by a number of reference I read and studied through, that I hope will help all of us clear the doubt and  so that we become more vigilant plus particular in every single thing that we do.

Please take note that I will elaborate on this topic based on 2 different resources I have referred to, one strictly against and the other provides substantial reasons why it is permissible to wish Merry Christmas.

Why can not?
We have to understand that while we Muslims and Christians both believe in  Jesus, or Prophet Isa a.s, there are some major differences between Islam and Christianity that we have to be absolutely clear about. The Christians do not only believe that Christmas is the day Jesus was born, but they misleadingly claim that it was the birth of the Son of God. This is where one of the major clashes exists.

In Islam, the Quran explicitly tells us that Allah does not beget, neither is He begotten. It is in Surah Al-Ikhlas, Chapter 112, verse number 3. Jesus is therefore, not Allah's son, but only another slave to Allah, just like us, except that he was chosen to be one of His messengers.

That is why the author argues that wishing a Merry Christmas or Selamat Hari Natal (in Malay) to the non-believers is regarded as an acknowledgement to the grave error they have made- believing that Allah has a son. So, we have to be careful, because when we say Merry Christmas or if we celebrate Christmas with them, are we actually agreeing to their belief when they assign a partner to Allah by making Jesus His son (and thus makes him another God)?

Do not get the message wrong. We in Islam are strongly encouraged to mingle well with all people which of course, include the non-Muslims, but when it comes to Tauhid (divine oneness), we should never compromise. In Surah Al-Kafirun,  Chapter 109, in the last Verse, it says, "To you be your way, and to me mine," suggesting that we can never mix the truth and falsehood together. That is why we are admonished to enter Islam fully. (2:208)

Remember that Allah has already given a stern warning regarding this matter whereby He said in Surah Al-Maryam, Chapter 19, Verses 88-90, "They say, "(Allah) Most Gracious has begotten a son!" Indeed you have put forth a thing most monstrous! At it the skies are ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin."

Meanwhile, it is argued by another author that it is not a problem to greet somebody Merry Christmas as there is no verse in the Quran or any statement in Hadiths that explicitly forbid us to do so.

In fact, in Surah An-Nisa', Chapter 4, verse 86, Allah says that, "When a (courteous) greeting is offered you, meet it with a greeting still more courteous, or (at least) of equal courtesy. Allah takes careful account of all things."

The Merry Christmas greetings are deemed to be something that is not ritual, not an act of worship but rather a means of communicating good words to one another, which if that is the case, Islam has no problem with it.

Personally, alhamdulillah, as far as I can remember, I have never greeted anybody Merry Christmas, even on Facebook. What I usually did was merely asking how was their holiday or how's Christmas, which in a way shows how we are concerned about other people even though there are not Muslims, and more importantly, these days, such event (Christmas) is more to a get together time (where family members meet) just like Eidul Fitri for Muslims here in Malaysia. Therefore, Islam never puts us in trouble but is very tolerant when it comes to relationship with mankind, although being tolerant doesn't mean that we have to compromise. 

It is good however, as friends, we always have to be clear about our belief and where and when it necessitates, we explain to them the correct principle we hold in Islam, that Allah has no son, and Jesus is certainly not His son- in the most gracious manner and kind words of course. As Allah says this in the Quran, (29:46), "And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury): but say, "We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam)." 

Also, in Surah An-Nahl, Chapter 16, verse 125, Allah instructs us the following, "Invite (all) to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious; for your Lord knows best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance."

Again, I do not intend to give an absolute yes or no to the question of whether or not we can say Merry Christmas to our Christian friends as a courtesy in our friendly relationship, but personally I don't think there should be any problem with people doing it, though I at my best will always avoid it. 

Instead, there are always many alternatives, such as asking about their families and holidays, which by right is more meaningful if we think about it. The most important point we have to grasp from this article is that, for everything that Islam allows and forbids in this world, we have to abide by them because we believe in Allah, and it is tremendously important that we seek knowledge and never be judgemental without any proper investigation, let alone to be a blind follower.

I seek refuge, blessings and protection from Allah, may He always guide us to His straight path, and I seek forgiveness for any mistakes and weakness incurred from my article as I am just an ordinary guy, trying best to convey the true message of Islam, while at the same time, I too am learning.

Take care all. Wallahua'lam. Wassalam.

Authored by:
Ibnu Hanaffi

Extra Reading
In case you have some time to continue reading, here are 5 major beliefs in Christianity which are deemed false and contradictory for us in Islam. I hope it is helpful, especially in our understanding of Christianity, and therefore Islam.

1. Original Sin

According to them, we all inherit a sin from our great great grandparents Adam and Eve- known as original sin or ancestral sin. But Islam explains against this statement and the existence of original sin with the following few examples of verses from Quran.

a) "And if anyone earns sins, he earns it against his own soul: for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom." (Surah An-Nisa', 4:111)
b) "Who receives guidance, receives it for his own benefit: who goes astray does so to his own loss: no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another: nor would We visit with Our Wrath until We had sent a messenger (to give warning)." (Surah Al-Isra', 17:15)

2. Sonship of Jesus

Again, Allah has stated very clearly in many verses in the Quran that He does not beget and is not begotten e.g in Surah Al-Ikhlas, (112:3).

As to the fact that Jesus was born without father so Allah must be his father, this argument is utterly misleading because Allah can create a man without a father if He wills it such. In fact, Prophet Adam was created without father and more interestingly, he had no mother too!

Moreover, Allah has explained in Surah Ali Imran, Chapter 3, verse 59 that "The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be": and he was."

3. Divinity of Jesus

The above leads to this third one i.e if Jesus is the son of God, so he must be a God too. If Jesus is God, then he is divine. But then again, this belief is an absolute mistake. Firstly, of course Jesus is not God because we have already stated earlier that he is not the son of God.

In Surah Al-Maidah, Chapter 5, Verse 117, "(Jesus said) Never said I to them aught except what You did command me to say, to wit, 'Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord'; and I was a witness over them whilst I dwelt amongst them; when You did take me up, You were the Watcher over them, and You are a witness to all things."

Obviously, if Jesus was a God, he would have not called Allah his God (Lord), and he would have asked the people to worship him too instead, if he was a God. But he didn't, because he was not a God, but a messenger of Allah.

4. Crucification

The most weird thing is that, a healthy and rational mind would quickly question that, if Jesus was a God, how was it possible for a God to be crucified by men? And if Jesus is the son of God, how could God allow His son to suffer from the pain of the crucification (as also portrayed by many movies about Jesus created by Westerners like Mel Gibson)?

Indeed, Jesus, the man we believe to be Prophet Isa a.s, he was not crucified. But this is not known until 600 years later (after the claimed crucification), when Al-Quran was sent down to our beloved Prophet, Muhammad SAW.

In Surah An-Nisa', Chapter 4, Verses 157-158, "That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah,"; but they killed him not, nor crucified him but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not (157); Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise (158)."

5. Trinity

While it is sort of funny that even the Christians can't explain this very confusing and bizarre concept of trinity, it is even funnier that the word trinity is not found in any place in Bibles- whatever versions it is. However, interestingly enough, this concept of 3 in 1 God, is already clearly denounced in Islam which can be found in the Quran itself! Masya Allah, praise be upon Him, Who knows all and every single thing that is apparent and that is hidden, that has happened and that will happen.

In Surah Al-Maidah, Chapter 5, Verse 73, Allah says, "They do blaspheme who say: "Allah is one of three in a Trinity:" for there is no god except One Allah. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them."

Another one is in Surah An-Nisa', Chapter 4, Verse 171. Do check it out ;-)

Wallahua'lam. Hope this is informative ;-)


1. Wikipedia
5. (Extra Reading) Extraction of points taken from the Friendly Comparative Religion (FCR) Workshop