Malaysia a Christian Nation?

What do I think? What do you think I think? I am a Muslim. So again, what do you think I think? A yes? No?

Fiqh Medic

What are the legal maxims of Islamic Law (QAWA’ID FIQHIYYAH). Let's say, if a patient is having a colostomy bag (which contains his urine or feces), would the ablution be valid? How about, if a women is in labour (bear in mind that giving birth to the first child can be as long as 19hours); can she still performs Salah? (Let's find the answer here.)

Men VS Women

Let's think critically. Who is the one which better in governing this world!? Men, who have more influencing and have strong character or women, who have emotional values, and boundless cares and love?

Are You Ready to Fall in Love??

What is love to begin with? we might assume that we have that sort of wonderful love, unshakeable by no others even death. We may sacrifice anything to our beloved person. But, if we claimed that we love Rasulullah, where are the proofs? You are willing to sacrifice anything for his sake?

Does God need us?

Now, tell me, what are the differences between this human-made lego tree and the one who created by our almighty creator,our god?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Teka-Teki Dalam Al-Quran

Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. Apa khabar semua?

2. Insya Allah, dengan nikmat kesihatan yang ada, ucapkanlah Alhamdulillah.

3. Kali ini saya akan berkongsi satu kisah teka-teki istimewa yang diambil daripada Al-Quran.

4. Perkongsian ini berdasarkan video Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan di laman berikut: Two Riddles

5. Teka-teki ini terdapat dalam Surah Al-Kahf, satu surah yang digalakkan oleh Nabi SAW untuk dibaca pada setiap hari Jumaat, hari kebesaran kita umat Islam.

6. Ia berkenaan kisah Nabi Musa AS dan Nabi Khidr (yang Allah SWT sebut sebagai seorang hamba dalam kalangan hamba-hamba-Nya).

7. Untuk memahami latar belakang kisah mereka, boleh rujuk ayat 65-78 dalam Surah Al-Kahf.

8. Pun begitu, izinkan saya menceritakan secara ringkas latar belakang cerita ini.

9. Setelah mendapatkan keizinan, Nabi Musa mengikuti Nabi Khidr untuk mempelajari ilmu dan petunjuk daripadanya.

10. Namun ia bersyarat. Nabi Musa AS tak dibenarkan bertanya apa-apa pun soalan sehinggalah Nabi Khidr sendiri yang menerangkan tentangnya.

11. Namun, Nabi Musa tak mampu bersabar dan setelah kali ketiga dia bertanya soalan tentang tindak-tanduk Nabi Khidr, Nabi Khidr pun menerangkan tentang tindakannya dan mereka pun berpisah di situ.

12. Tiga perkara inilah yang menjadi teka-teki yang kita akan bincangkan hari ini.

13. Menariknya, bukan hanya soalannya yang menjadi teka-teki. Bahkan jawapan dan penerangan Nabi Khidr pun ada teka-teki yang cukup menarik untuk dibongkar bersama-sama!

14. Pertama: Nabi Khidr telah membuat lubang diperahu yang mereka naiki. Tanya Nabi Musa AS, adakah engkau berniat menenggelamkan penumpangnya?

15. Kedua: Lalu mereka terus berjalan sehingga mereka berjumpa dengan seorang anak muda dan Nabi Khidr membunuh anak muda itu. Tanya Nabi Musa AS, mengapa engkau membunuh jiwa yang bersih, dan bukan kerana dia (anak muda) membunuh orang lain?

16. Ketiga: Mereka terus berjalan sehingga sampai ke satu negeri, dan melihat dinding sebuah rumah yang hampir roboh, lalu Nabi Khidr menegakkannya semula. Lantas berkata Nabi Musa AS, kalau kamu mahu, kamu boleh minta imbalan (upah) dari apa yang kamu kerjakan itu.

17. Itulah kali ketiga Nabi Musa AS tak mampu bersabar, maka akhirnya mendapat penjelasan teka-teki yang bermain di fikirannya namun terpaksa berpisah dengan Nabi Khidr.

18. Saya akan nyatakan di sini ketiga-tiga jawapan kepada teka-teki ini yang sebenarnya sudah terdapat dalam Al-Quran yakni dari ayat 79-82.

19. Cuma, yang mungkin kita tak sedari, dalam jawapan kepada teka-teki itu pun ada teka-teki!

20. Mari kita bongkar bersama-sama kecantikan Al-Quran di sini.

21. Sebelum itu, kita sedia maklum bahawa Nabi Khidr diberi ilmu oleh Allah SWT yang tak diketahui oleh Nabi Musa AS sendiri, sebab itu tindakan Nabi Khidr dipersoalkan oleh Nabi Musa AS, kerana pada pandangan mata kasar dan pengetahuan Nabi Musa AS, tindakan itu tak wajar.

22. Kita juga harus memahami perkara ini dan muhasabah diri sendiri. Ada perkara di dunia ini yang pada mata kasar atau pengetahuan cetek kita, kita fikir baik, rupanya tidak baik. Demikianlah juga sebaliknya. Ada yang kita fikir tak baik, rupanya bermanfaat untuk kita.

23. Al-Quran ada menyebut tentang hal ini. Boleh rujuk Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 216.

24. Baik, dalam penerangan terhadap ketiga-tiga tindakannya Nabi Khidr menggunakan KATA GANTI NAMA yang berbeza-beza! Biar saya terangkan.

25. Inilah teka-teki yang cukup unik.

26. Dalam situasi pertama, apabila perahu yang dinaiki dilubangi Nabi Khidr, kata Nabi Khidr, Aku yang berkehendakkan untuk melubanginya. Kata ganti nama yang digunakan ialah Aku.

..aku berkehendakkan...

27. Sila rujuk ayat 79. Dijelaskan oleh Nabi Khidr bahawa tujuan tindakannya itu adalah untuk menyelamatkan perahu itu daripada dirampas oleh seorang raja (jika digunakan).

28. Dalam situasi kedua pula, Nabi Khidr menggunakan perkataan Kami berkehendak membunuh anak muda tadi.

....Kami berkehendakkan...

29. Kenapa? Kerana anak muda ini kafir dan dikhuatiri bahawa dia akan memaksa kedua orang tuanya ke arah kesesatan dan kekafiran juga. Malah disebut bahawa Allah SWT akan menggantikan dengan seorang anak yang lebih baik kesuciannya dan kasih sayang kepada orang tuanya.

30. Sila rujuk ayat 80 dan 81.

31. Akhir sekali dalam situasi ketiga, kata ganti nama yang digunakan ialah Tuhanmu yang berkehendakkan yang demikian. Dengan kata lain, tindakan menegakkan semula dinding yang roboh itu dinisbahkan kepada kehendak Allah SWT.

....Tuhanmu menghendaki...

32. Sila rujuk ayat 82 untuk kalimah tersebut.

33. Dinding rumah yang ditegakkan semula itu adalah milik dua orang anak yatim yang tersimpan bagi mereka harta. Ayah mereka insan yang soleh, dan ketika mereka dewasa kelak, mereka boleh mengeluarkan simpanan harta mereka yang terselamat itu.

34. Kenapa Nabi Khidr tak sebut 'Aku menghendaki untuk melakukan sekian-sekian' dalam ketiga-tiga situasi di atas? Kenapa perlu bertukar-tukar kata ganti nama?

35. Untuk menjawab persoalan ini, kita perlu faham bahawa terdapat dua bentuk realiti di dunia ini yakni internal reality dan external reality.

36. Hakikatnya, semua internal reality  itu baik belaka kerana semuanya berlaku atas kehendak Allah SWT. Sama keadaannya seperti ketiga-tiga situasi di atas. Ada hikmah yang baik (internal reality) di sebalik apa yang berlaku.

37. Pun begitu, ada perkara yang pada external reality yakni pada pandangan mata kasar dan pengetahuan cetek kita yang kita tak mampu nilai sama ada sesuatu perkara itu benar-benar baik atau tidak.

38. Mari kita nilai semula cerita di atas. Dalam situasi pertama, membocorkan perahu pada pandangan external reality  adalah satu perkara yang buruk. Sebab itu Nabi Khidr menggunakan perkataan Aku, supaya perkara buruk itu disandarkan pada dirinya sendiri!

39. Dalam situasi dua pula, Nabi Khidr menggunakan Kami, kerana ada dua external reality di sini, satu buruk dan satu lagi baik. Pertama, membunuh anak muda. Kedua, anak yang lebih baik akan diberikan kepada orang tua tadi. Maka perkataan 'Kami' digunakan merujuk kepada Nabi Khidr dan Allah SWT.

40. Keburukan membunuh itu disandarkan pada Nabi Khidr, manakala pemberian anak yang lebih baik pula disandarkan kepada kehendak Allah SWT!

41. Akhir sekali, dalam situasi ketiga, menegakkan dinding rumah yang hampir roboh, pada external reality langsung tiada apa-apa yang buruk padanya. Sebab itu Nabi Khidr terus menisbahkan tindakan itu kepada kehendak Allah SWT!

42. Subhanallah!

43. Demikianlah cukup cantik teka-teki dalam Al-Quran.

44. Maka, sempena hari Jumaat yang mulia dan penuh berkat hari ini, marilah sama-sama kita menghargai nikmat mukjizat Al-Quran dengan membaca dan memahaminya.

45. Sunnah Nabi SAW membaca Surah Al-Kahf sebagaimana hadis dalam gambar rajah berikut:

46. Semoga bermanfaat dan sama-sama kita hayati dan kongsikan!

47. Mohon doakan kebahagiaan saya dan keluarga di dunia dan akhirat. Ameen ya Rabbal 'alamin.

Wallahuaklam. Wassalamualaikum wbt.

Ibnu Hanaffi
Bekas pelajar IMU

Monday, December 10, 2012

Saya cinta kamu!!

Apabila diwahyukan kepada Musa, “Pergilah engkau kepada Firaun! Sesungguhnya dia sungguh melampau!” Musa tergamam seketika. Menitis keringatnya membasahi muka. Tanpa ragu-ragu, Musa terus merayu kepada Allah. “Ya Rabb! Aku khuatir dengan seruanMu ini. Mana mungkin aku mampu melakukannya dengan kelemahanku ini. Aku gagap bila berkata-kata apatah lagi berhadapan dengan kehebatan Firaun yang dikagumi seantero Mesir ini. “Izhab ila firauna innahuu to’ghoo”. Sekali lagi seruan ini memasuki ruang hati Musa. “Ya Rabb, daku ini sungguh hina dengan dosaku membunuh manusia yang tidak bersalah pada suatu ketika dahulu.” Tangis manusia ini. Musa dengan penuh rasa rendah dirinya menadah tangan ke langit memohon kepada Sang Pencipta dan menantikan sesuatu yang menenangkan jiwanya seperti mana peristiwa tongkatnya bertukar menjadi ular yang besar dengan izinNya.

Lalu, bergemalah satu suara, “Pergilah engkau bersama saudaramu, Harun membawa kebenaranKu. Berbicaralah kamu berdua kepada Firaun dengan kata-kata yang lemah lembut, moga-moga Firaun sedar dan takut.” Doa Musa diperkenankan oleh Allah dan dimanifestasikan di dalam kitab umat Muhammad s.a.w, Al-Quran, Surah Toha (Surah yg ke-20). Terus, Musa dan Harun menyampaikan kebenaranNya tanpa ragu-ragu dengan penuh tekun dan gigih, dipenuhi dengan ancaman dari anasir Firaun hinggakan nyawa mereka berdua terancam di persisiran Laut Merah.

Inilah sorotan kisah 2 manusia agung yang dihiasi dengan makna persahabatan Ilahi. Jika Musa (a.s) berada bersama-sama dengan kita, pasti Nabi Musa mampu menceritakan pengalaman saat-saat indah dan manis bersahabat dengan Nabi Harun (a.s) dalam mencari redha Allah. Hikmah kisah ini sudah terpancar cahayanya jika kita cuba sedaya upaya memahami makna cinta persahabatan hakiki di dalam surah tersebut. Realitinya, tidak mungkin kita mampu hidup keseorangan. Nabi Musa sendiri mengakuinya dan memerlukan Harun untuk melaksanakan tugas dakwahnya. Definisi “hidup keseorangan” itu ialah DERITA!! Pasti setiap dari kita mempunyai seorang atau lebih sahabat karib dalam perjuangan kita dan menemani setiap ceritera suka dan duka tanpa mengira waktu dan tempat.  Dengan adanya sahabat karib, kita gembira, bergelak ketawa, marah, kecewa, sedih, gundah gulana dan pelbagai warna perasaan yang dapat kita rasakan. Ah, manisnya bersahabat!

 Kalau dilihat makna persahabatan dalam ideologi Kapitalisme, mereka kejam! Bersahabat untuk mendapatkan keuntungan duniawi dari manusia itu dan mengambil peluang ke atasnya sebelum dia mengambil peluang terhadap kita. Makhluk manusia ini sungguh khianat dalam memberi definisi persahabatan!! Maka, jelaslah bahawa hanya Rabbul Izzah sahaja yang mampu mendefinisikan dengan sempurna. Persahabatan hakiki. Persahabatan yang membawa  insan-insan yang berukhwah keranaNya  berpegang tangan gah menuju ke syurga Allah yang abadi. Bukankah itu “sweet”? Adakah ada perkara lain yang se”sweet” ini? Allahu Allah.

“...ingatlah nikmat Allah kepadamu ketika kamu dahulu bermusuhan, lalu Allah mempersatukan hatimu, sehingga dengan karuniaNya kamu menjadi bersaudara, sedangkan ketika itu, kamu berada di tepi jurang api neraka lalu Allah menyelamatkan kamu dari sana....” (3:103)

Persahabatan yang diredhai oleh Allah terjalin hanya dengan ikatan iman yang kukuh disertai dengan amal yang ikhlas keranaNya dan langsung tidak sekelumit pun dibezakan dengan pertalian darah dan bangsa. Mereka saling tolong menolong untuk mendekatkan diri mereka ke kebun-kebun Syurga dan nasihat-menasihati di kala antara mereka mendekatkan diri ke lautan api neraka. Itulah makna persahabatan yang diredhai Allah seperti mana yang pernah dirasai oleh Musa dan Harun. Tak lupa kepada Abdullah Ibn Maktum dan Mus’ab bin Umair yang berukhwah kerana dakwah islami yang kita rasai di saat ini. Sesungguhnya, sahabat kita merupakan aset dunia dan akhirat. Mereka juga antara faktor penyebab kita terus menerus merasai nikmat syurga tanpa dihisab atau punca kita terus menerus merasai azab api neraka yang pedih tanpa ragu-ragu oleh Allah! Nauzubillah!! Allah s.w.t menggambarkan keadaan itu di dalam Surah Al-Anfal, ayat 38:

“....Setiap kali suatu umat masuk, DIA MELAKNAT SAUDARANYA, sehingga apabila mereka telah masuk kesemuanya, berkatalah orang yang masuk belakangan kepada orang yang masuk terlebih dahulu, “Ya tuhan kami, mereka telah menyesatkan kami. Datangkanlah seksaan api neraka yang berlipat ganda kepada mereka”....” (7:38)

Kawan. Sahabat. Teman.

            Terasa kesat-kesat mata dan berair sedikit. Sahabat! Kenapa kamu bersikap begitu bila di hadapan Allah? Kenapa kamu tidak berterus terang kepada ku ketika kita bersama? Bukankah kamu sudah berjanji kita akan bersahabat sehidup dan semati? Allah, tangisan ketika itu tidak lagi berguna. Benarlah bahawa sahabat itu aset penting untuk dunia dan akhirat. Bawalah sahabat bersama-sama dengan diri kita ke arah ketakwaan dan keimanan. Hanya dengan itu sahaja cara membawa 2 manusia yang bergelar sahabat menuju syurga Allah. Seperti Musa dan Harun. Kasih sayang dan tulus ikhlas yang dikongsikan bersama pasti tidak akan sia-sia kerana apabila keimanan dan ketaqwaan menjadi tunjang asas persahabatan tersebut, maka tidak ada lagi ragu-ragu bagi mereka mengejar kegembiraan yang abadi di dunia dan akhirat. Diakhiri penulisan ini dengan 2 dalil mengukuhkan makna persahabatan Ilahi.    
Sebuah hadis Qudsi yang bermaksud:
Pasti mendapat kecintaanKu bagi dua orang yang sayang menyayangi keranaKu, dua orang yang duduk bersama-sama keranaKu, dua orang kunjung mengunjungi keranaKu, dan dua orang yang tolong menolong keranaKu.

Ditambah lagi dengan kata-kata Rasulullah Muhammad s.a.w yang bermaksud:

Sesiapa yang ingin merasakan kemanisan iman, hendaklah ia mencintai seseorang, tiada mencintainya melainkan kerana Allah.

Malu untuk ku katakan kepada kamu. Saya cinta kamu kerana Allah, sahabat! Sudikah kamu menjadi sahabat seperti Harun? J

Email penulis:

Friday, December 7, 2012

Update - The Value of Youth: Priceless

Our new poster.

Updates on program details.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Different Side of the Obvious

Picture by deviantart.

The situation with Gaza came out a few weeks ago, and then suddenly it was the main highlight of the media. A stream of Palestine related statuses and people changing their profile pictures kept appearing on my news feed. In twitter kingdom  hash tags of Gaza was trending suddenly with a surge of retweets of official news, or NGO activity be it well known bodies, or anonymous. This happened not too long ago with the ‘Remembrance of Nakbah’, when everybody in Facebook changed their display picture to blindfolded men or women. There is a sigh of relief, that there are actually people who still care, and wanted to be a part of the fight for the right cause. I cannot deny that slight feeling of security, holding to the fact that there is still hope in humanity.

Little did we know that with the rise of this singular issue, many smaller issues came to track as well. One main example was the spread of chained messages, now not only spread through texts but reaching as far as via instagrammed pictures too. And then came the posters of every single brand to boycott and demise. McDonalds suffered the most, I presume, having to give away free burgers to win the wallets of their customers back. In the midst of all these happenings, one interesting incident I got to see was when a non-muslim questioned the actions of muslims in the sense that we are only supporting this cause as it has something to do with our religion, and our brothers and sisters.

More or less, the question was; “if it were people of other beliefs and religion as yours, would you have acted in the same manner? Because out there, a million more people are suffering, and their plight never heard.”

That one question got me thinking. It got me thinking deep. And it brought up dozens of different questions in my head.

‘Is this how they (non-muslims) see it as? a fight of religion? of who is right and who is wrong?’

… ‘And if it was so, what have we portrayed and what message did they get?’

‘Are there really, a million other humans suffering and unheard of world problems out there that I don’t know of?’

… ‘Was I just that ignorant that I never even knew?’

Believe me, loads more questions begin to clog my mind. Tortuous as it may seem, the thoughts and questions do have some truth in it. And only one singular quote came up to my mind; -- ‘Our duty is to convey, not to convince’.

Also the hadith narrated by Bukhari – ‘Deliver from me even one sentence’, which relates on the importance of spreading the truth. Deliver, which means conveying and sharing not conquering.

There is a deeper meaning to this; basically saying that da’wah is to share, to call upon goodness and not fight or be hasty. Because Islam is a beautiful religion that propagates on peace, love, forgiveness, and never ever promotes violence. The word Islam itself derived from an Arabic root word translates to safety, peace, calmness, and submission to the Sole Creator.

Coming back to the points above, probably the non-Muslims were not aware of this issue being a humanitarian crisis, or probably perhaps, the way we portrayed the cause and how we spread it was not thorough, or lopsided. In the Quran itself, there is a verse that goes;

Probably these are one of the details we tend to oversee. No one is to blame here, for the faults mainly just lie on different peoples’ varying perception. However, we have to note that, living in a world of people of all kinds, we should be sensitive and flexible, in the best way possible. There is this saying that, different people bring out the different side of you. I guess this fairly applies in this situation too. Looking on the positive aspect, maybe, having facing different people and situations like this brings out a better side in us we never knew. And maybe, having questioned with such rhetorical statements leads us to learn deeper about our own religion, and InsyaAllah guide us in becoming better servants of His. InsyaAllah!

An extension from this situation also, I realized that truly, together, we are stronger. The word ‘ummah’ is just too beautiful to be translated directly to English. The power of mass media, twitter, Facebook and all were adamant in spreading the message. But what was that one factor that ignited the spark – one so strong that other people finally began to see a glimpse of the truth and, people of other beliefs also support freedom of Palestine?

Numbers do count in this matter. But the power, I believe, actually lies in the strength of our bond. People from all walks of life, no matter what colour, culture or race, with differing interests and preferences, all unite together, holding one true faith to Allah, our sole creator. Statistically we might not win, but our belief, faith, and the miracle of our religion has proved that we are indeed strong. We together form one strong unit, of which, when one side bleeds, the others will similarly feel the pain. So actually, one small deed goes a long way. And our small efforts in spreading the truth any way possible has probably bear its fruit. Together, collectively, we can make a difference, in unison.

To sum up everything above, out of this whole situation I have learnt two important lessons. Firstly, everything we do reflects our belief and faith and people will judge us based on that. Therefore, we need to reflect on ourselves from time to time and be reminded that we, as a believer and as Muslims have a big responsibility on portraying Islam to the world.

Secondly, I realized that collectively, one small deed can really leave an impact .Individually we could perhaps make a change, but if we unite, together we can actually make a difference.

Editor: Fathin Nabilah binti Abdul Rashid
Multimedia and Publicity Bureau 2012/ 2013
Muslim Society (MSOC) 
International Medical University (IMU) Bukit Jalil.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Berjuang Dalam Kekurangan

Benih cita-cita itu telah tersemai, bersama seribu pengharapan untuk menggapainya. Kaki pula melangkah setapak demi setapak, agar mampu untuk berpijak kukuh di pengakhirannya. Namun, hidup tidak sebiasa itu , mengejar matlamat tidak semudah seperti yang didongengkan dalam cerita Jack dan Kacang Ajaibnya. Benih kacang Jack mampu untuk bercambah dalam satu malam sehinggakan pada keesokan harinya dia mampu untuk menjangkau awan. Tapi benih kacang kita bagaimana? Secara hakikatnya, ia jauh lebih teruji malah super-duper jalan kita penuh dengan liku.

            Keyakinan untuk mencapai cita-cita kian menurun sedikit demi sedikit. Memikirkan banyak perkara mesti dibereskan. Terperangkap dalam pembacaan nota yang perlu diulang pada tahap seratus kali, assignment yang memenuhkan meja pada level kritikalnya, presentation yang perlu disiapkan bagai sepantas bullet train. Peluh mula terpercik di dahi. Ah.. mampukah aku berjuang? IQ pula hanya ditingkat biasa kalau ingin dibandingkan dengan mereka yang mempunyai IQ 200. Yang paling tepat lagi ialah “Mampukah aku berjuang dalam kekurangan?”.

            Sepantas kilat itu, hormon adrenalin mula keluar daripada tempat persembunyiannya menuju ke dalam aliran darah. Bersedia dengan perisai dan pedang untuk melawan musuh-musuh yang menceroboh sejurus memberi arahan kepada jantung untuk terus bekerja dengan kuatnya. Bacaan tekanan darah menunjukkan ia ditahap kritikal! Allah. STRESS!!

            Begitulah situasinya yang menghimpit kita, tapi itu adalah perkara biasa dalam perjuangan. Apakah ia dinamakan perjuangan kalau bukan perlu bersusah payah? Bahkan memang Allah menciptakan manusia dalam keadaan susah-payah.

“ Sesungguhnya, Kami telah menciptakan manusia sentiasa dalam perjuangan susah payah.”

(Terjemahan Al-balad;90:4)

            Secara hakikatnya, kita terus-terusan berjuang. Dari sperm bertemu ovum, dari merangkak hingga berlari, dari belajar ABC hingga mengenal kompleksnya huruf. Semuanya memerlukan perjuangan yang susah. Jika tidak ada perjuangan, maka itu tidak dinamakan kehidupan. Kerana dari segi teorinya,


Sehinggakan bijih benih yang kita semai juga memerlukan perjuangan. Biji durian contohnya, ia juga perlu berusaha dengan kuatnya, membelah tanah yang gersang. Bagaimanakah ia mampu tumbuh kalau bukan dengan berjuang? Apatah lagi dengan perjuangan mengejar cita-cita yang kita impikan. Sedar tak sedar, sebenarnya sekarang kita sedang membelah tanah untuk mematangkan cita-cita kita. Bukankah begitu?

            Jom, kita berbalik pada zaman ke 2 Hijrah. Ketika mana tercetusnya peperangan Badar Al-Kubra. Melihat mereka yang hanya 313 orang yang serba kekurangan dan dengan hanya 2 ekor kuda jika ingin dibandingkan dengan musyrikin yang mempunyai 100 ekor kuda. Ya. Mereka juga berjuang dalam kekurangan. Adakah mampu untuk melawan tentera musyrik yang jumlahnya berlipat kali ganda? Secara logiknya. TIDAK. Tetapi mereka tidak berundur malah terus mara dengan satu keyakinan mencengkam yang sentiasa berkobar-kobar. Memulakan langkah dalam perjuangan. Sehinggakan Allah menghadiahkan mereka pertolongan para malaikat yang berbondong-bondong ramainya.

“Sesungguhnya Aku akan menurunkan bala bantuan kepada kamu dengan seribu malaikat yang datang berturut-turut.”
(Terjemahan Al-anfal;8:9)

            Tidak mustahil bagi Allah untuk menurunkan kepada kita malaikat-malaikat seperti mana di Badar. Yang penting, tetaplah berjuang dan bekerja keras walaupun sehingga terpaksa berputih mata, kerana pengakhirannya adalah bukan sahaja kemenangan tetapi yang paling penting adalah redha Tuhan.

 “Wahai manusia! Sesungguhnya kamu telah bekerja keras menuju tuhanMu, maka kamu akan menemuiNya.”
(Terjemahan Al-insyiqaq;84:76)

Subhanallah.. mudah-mudahan..

Demi satu kejayaan perlu pengorbanan,
Keazaman juga ketabahan,
Inilah kehidupan menuntut kesungguhan,
Tak semudah indahnya khayalan.

(Seiring sehaluan-UNIC)

Berjuanglah meskipun dalam kekurangan, kerana itulah yang memberi makna dalam kehidupan.


Editor: Wahida Amalin binti Ab Razak
Biro Akademik dan Tarbiah 2012/2013

Thursday, November 22, 2012


*Meooww2* ~~~

Ya, kucing... Tajuk yg begitu cliché sekali, don’t u think? ;)
Oppss, tunggu dulu! Ini bukan penulisan cikai ala2 penyapu cap Ayam di kedai RM2 mahupun basikal bujang lapok tunggangan Pok Mat di kampong saya. Ini adalah satu discovery yg mapan lagi menggegarkan! Nak tau? Teruskan membaca!

Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah SWT yg memberi saya peluang untuk mengutarakan buah fikiran, mencerna ilmu dan kefahaman di dada saya dan InsyaAllah, di dada saudara-saudari sekalian. Sejujurnya artikel ini adalah the first among equals, dan berpaksikan rujukan dari sumber yang dipercayai, insyaAllah.
Nabi SAW menekankan di dalam beberapa hadisnya bahawa kucing itu tidaklah najis. Malah diperbolehkan untuk berwudhuk menggunakan air bekas minuman kucing.

Kenapa Rasulullah Saw berani mengatakan bahawa kucing tidak menjadi najis kepada manusia? Persoalannya, bagaimana Nabi mengetahui badan kucing tidak mempunyai najis? Jawapannya, kulit kucing mempunyai otot-otot yang berfungsi untuk melawan sel bakteria.
Otot kucing juga dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan sentuhan otot manusia. Pada permukaan lidah kucing pula dilapisi oleh berbagai benjolan kecil yang runcing, benjolan ini berbentuk bengkok mengucup seperti kikir atau gergaji. Bentuk ini sangat berguna untuk membersihkan kulit.
Ketika kucing minum, tidak ada setitis pun air yang akan jatuh dari lidahnya. Sedangkan lidah kucing sendiri merupakan alat pembersih yang paling canggih, permukaannya yang kasar boleh membuang bulu-bulu mati dan membersihkan bulu-bulu yang tersisa di badannya.

Kajian Yang Dijalankan

Telah dilakukan berbagai penyelidikan terhadap kucing mengikut pelbagai perbezaan usia, posisi kulit, punggung, bahagian dalam tapak kaki, bibir, dan ekor. Pada bahagian-bahagian tersebut dilakukan pengambilan sampel melalui usapan. Di samping itu, kuman juga diletakkan pada bahagian-bahagian tertentu. Diambil juga cairan khusus (air liur) yang berada pada dinding dalam mulut dan lidahnya.

Hasil yang didapati selepas ujikaji adalah:

1. Hasil yang diambil dari kulit luar tidak mempunyai kuman, meskipun dilakukan berulang kali.
2. Tempat yang kuman sengaja diletakkan menunjukkan hasil negatif sekitar 80% (20% mempunyai kuman), jika dilihat dari air liurnya. Ini menunjukkan kucing dapat melawan kuman yang diberikan kepadanya.
3. Cairan yang diambil dari permukaan lidah juga menunjukkan ketidak hadiran kuman.
4. Hanya sekali kuman dijumpai semasa proses penyelidikan. Kuman ini termasuk dalam kumpulan kuman yang dianggap sebagai kuman biasa yang selalunya membiak dalam tubuh manusia dalam jumlah yang kecil seperti enterobacter, streptococcus, dan staphylococcus. Jumlahnya kurang dan membiak dalam lingkungan 50 ribu pertumbuhan.
5. Kajian tidak menemui jenis kuman yang beragam dan berbahaya. Perbagai sumber yang dipercayai dan hasil penyelidikan laboratorium menyimpulkan bahawa kucing tidak mempunyai kuman dan mikrobakteria. Air liurnya bersih dan boleh membersihkan seluruh badannya.
Ulasan para doktor yang bergiat dalam bidang kuman, Dr. George Maqshud, ketua laboratorium di Klinik Haiwan Baitharah, jarang sekali ditemui kehadiran kuman pada lidah kucing. Jika mempunyai kuman, itu menunjukkan kucing itu akan atau sedang sakit.
Selain itu, Dr. Gen Gustafsirl menemui kuman yang banyak pada anjing, manusia 25% dari anjing, kucing mempunyai separuh kuman dari manusia. Doktor haiwan di klinik haiwan Damaskus, Said Rafah menegaskan bahawa kucing mempunyai peranti pembersih yang bernama lysozyme.
Kucing tidak menyukai air kerana air merupakan tempat yang sangat subur dalam pertumbuhan bakteria. Kucing juga sangat menjaga kestabilan suhu tubuhnya.
Jika diperhatikan, kucing tidak banyak berjemur dan tidak suka mendekati air.Tujuannya agar bakteria tidak berpindah kepadanya. Inilah yang menjadi faktor yang membuatkan kuman tidak ada pada tubuh kucing.

Hadith-Hadith Mengenai Kucing

Diriwayatkan Ali bin Al-Hasan dan Anas menceritakan bahawa Nabi Saw pergi ke Bathhan suatu daerah di Madinah. Lalu beliau berkata, “Ya Anas, tuangkan air wudhuk untukku ke dalam bekas”. Lalu Anas menuangkan air. Ketika sudah selesai, Nabi menuju bejana. Namun terdapat seekor kucing datang dan menjilati bekas air tersebut. Melihat kejadian itu, Nabi berhenti sehinggakan kucing tersebut berhenti minum lalu Rasulullah berwudhuk. Nabi ditanya mengenai kejadian tersebut, beliau menjawab, “Ya Anas, kucing termasuk perhiasan rumah tangga, ia tidak dikotori sesuatu, malah tidak ada najis.”

Pengajaran/Ibrah dari kisah kucing:

Rasulullah SAW amat menghormati dan menyayangi haiwan kita anggap ordinary nie. Bahkan berkongsi makanan pun dgn kucing. Manusia sebagai khalifatullah harus menjaga hubungan dengan alam semulajadi termasuk haiwan yg melata di muka bumi, kerana hakikatnya- setiap dari jenis haiwan2 ini bertasbih memuji kebesaran Ilahi. Wallahualam~

“Segala yang ada di langit dan di bumi tetap mengucap tasbih kepada Allah; dan Dia lah Yang Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana.”  [Al-Hadid, 1]

Ps: Penulis suka main dengan kucing especially time study di rumah. Penawar kebosanan yang mapan!  


Editor: Mohd Amirul Arif bin Yaakub
Biro Akademik dan Tarbiah 2012/2013

Sunday, September 16, 2012

I’m a good kid Yauww~

May peace be upon you. 

Not long ago, we celebrated Father’s and Mother’s Day. And we have to admit, how macho we are right now (uhuk2), how mature we are right now (hope so),
we’re still their little boy/girl. We’re still their beloved son and daughter. 

And we want to give them everything, to make them happy. We remember their birthdays, things that they love, pleasing them (insyaAllah), but..
Are we doing enough? 
Are we giving enough? 

What are the best present that we can give? 

The best present, that every parents would love, 

The best present, that each one of them, would dream of.. 

Is it Porsche? 
Nope! (coz mom might not like it, too noisy they say) 

Is it a fully sponsored vacation throughout the world by you?
err..they might like it, but nope! 

We are talking about a present that they will never ever get bored of! 

The ultimate present! Muahaha~ (evil laugh) 





Keep reading. Hahah! 

Brothers and sisters,
I would like to deviate a bit, by quoting a Hadith from our beloved Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h, 

When the [Muslim] son of Adam dies, his deeds stop, except for three: a charity resulting in a continuing benefit, a knowledge benefitting others, and a pious offspring making supplication to Allah for him. 

(related by Bukhary) 

As the hadith says, 3 things, when a person dies, the deeds from these 3 things will not stop.

1. a benefit charity 
2. a benefit knowledge shared with others 
3. a pious (soleh/solehah) son/daughter that makes dua’ (doa) for them (parents). 

So brothers and sisters, based on this Hadith, I would like to emphasize on the 3rd part of the hadith. 

The 3rd part of the Hadith says about a dua’ from a pious offspring will benefit the parents. 

Ermm.. how?

Simply because, any du’a from a pious person, is more acceptable by Allah.

Simple analogy, you are good with your boss, you work hard, finish all the work that he gave you efficiently, the result from your work are superb, so, isn’t it will make it easier for your boss to give you rewards? Or fulfill your request whatsoever? 

Or, u played Tetris everyday (uhuk2), you are winning, you are upgrading your level, so isn’t it easier for you to buy new items, and upgrade some new features? (until it affect your study.. ouch!) 

So the same analogy applied here. 

But how are you going to be one? (good question. Heh) 

There are some criteria, but I would like to take the criteria from surah al-Mukminun from verse 1-11, as a reference for this post. Because a Mukmin, is a pious person. Since everybody was born with parent(s), hence it will make any Mukmin, a pious son/daughter. Insha Allah. 

Certainly will the believers have succeeded: 
They who are during their prayer humbly submissive;
And they who turn away from ill speech;
And they who are observant of zakah; 
And they who guard their private parts; 
Except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed, they will not be blamed;
But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors;
And they who are to their trusts and their promises attentive;
And they who carefully maintain their prayers;
Those are the inheritors;
Who will inherit al-Firdaus. They will abide therein eternally.
(Al-Mukminun, 23:1-11) 

All of these, are criteria for a Mukmin. 

1. They pray humbly submissive, which means they are khusyuq in their prayer. Nothing goes into their mind while praying except for things that will make them remember Allah more. 

2. They didn’t do useless things. Things that can’t improve their Imaan. Why this thing is important, because a useless thing, will lead you to vice (maksiat), bit by bit. 

3. They pay Zakah. In a sense, that they are concern about others and willingly to do charity. 

4. They guard themselves from adultery. How? By guarding yourself from vice first. 

5. Those who kept their promise by being honest and fulfill their promises. 

6. They take good care of their solah. Pray EARLY, in Jamaah, at Musolla/Mosque. 

All of these criteria, Allah said, are criteria for those whom inherited/being rewarded with Jannah. 

Now brothers and sisters, 

Based on the above Hadith, it clearly shows that a son/daughter that has the criteria of a Mukmin, will not ONLY benefit himself/herself, but others around them. Especially, their parents. 

Now, coming back to our previous question, what is the best present that you can give to your parents? 


You have been living with them throughout your life. All your basic need, are provided. All/most/some of your request is fulfill. You got your iphone, your car, your expenses etcetera and on top of all, you got their love. 

So how are you going to repay them? 

By money? are not working, plus, you even use their money right now. 

By time you spend with them? 
Yea, but until when? 

Times run away. 

Sooner or later, they will be gone. That is a fact! Face it! 

So you can’t spend most of your time with them. 

So how? 

Don’t you think you should repay them by being a pious son/daughter? 

By becoming one, and pray for the best for them based on the Hadith? 

Don’t you want to? 

Don’t you want to give them Jannah? 

A place where every need is fulfilled. 

Who says by becoming a good Muslim, it only involved you and your life alone? 

Who says?~~ (Selena Gomez's song) erk. 

Now ask yourself, how bad you want to repay all their love? 

How bad, you want them to live a good life, here, and the hereafter? 

Don’t you think they deserved it?? 

Put aside whatever things they did, they are your parents, and they deserved the best! 


Now a boy, once pray to Allah, he said in his prayer, 

“Whatever thing that I did, I really hope that my parents will go to Jannah. So, please please please O Allah, forgive all their sins. If You can’t forgive them, let me responsible for their sins! I rather see myself hurt in the hereafter, than seeing them hurt! I have nothing to repay them, except for my Dua! O Allah, grant my wish! Please please please..” 

Now I ask again, how bad do you want to give them eternal happiness? 

And I will say it again, since when, by becoming a good Muslim, you only benefiting yourself? 

So let’s start, making Dua for them, and at the same time, improving ourselves to become a good Muslim. 

Indeed, to become one, is not easy. It needs motivation. 

And surely, you can’t find it at shopping mall, or cinema. 

Get close to someone that can help you. Insha Allah, you will get the motivation to continue. 

Maybe we can start by referring to Surah al-Mukminun. 

pic source: click here

I pray that whoever read this, will also get Jannah and the strength to carry on, improving themselves. Insha Allah. 

Now don’t you stop praying for your parents ok? 


Msoc Committee 2011/2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Do We Need God?

Good question!

Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. My answer to that question would be in a form of pantun (a Malay traditional poem). Err.. I mean, in a form of another question instead i.e:

2. Does God need us?

3. Ok it's done there. That's my answer. I hope it answers your question, thank you.

4. What? 

5. Right, let me share with you this one ayah (verse) in the Quran. Allah SWT says:

"I do not want from them any provision. Nor do I want them to feed me."
Surah Az-Zariyat, ayah number 57.

6. Do you know what is so interesting about this particular verse?

7. The verse before it!

8. Allah SWT says:

"And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me."
Surah Az-Zariyat, ayah number 56.

9. So do we need God?

10. To those who don't believe in the need for God, I hope I have firstly made it clear above, that we the believers of God in Islam believe firmly that God is free of all needs. He doesn't need us AT ALL.

11. Now going back to your question, the straight forward answer is yes we need God.

12. But I begin by including the above verse to explicitly explain the purpose of creation, that implies our need for God, while trying to acknowledge the critical importance of denying a misunderstanding that may arise from it i.e do we need God because God needs us? By now you should know that the answer is BIG NO NO.

13. Think of a relationship between a shop owner and a customer. The shop owner needs the customer's money, and the customer needs the shop owner's goods. They both need each other. However this type of relationship doesn't apply to Creator-creation relationship. No symbiosis. No interdependence. Period.

14. Now, to substantiate my answer, let me divert you to another different way of looking at your question.

15. Instead of asking do we need God, what about asking this: Do we (mankind) have any needs?

16. And going a wee bit further than that, who then provides us these needs?

17. Based on these newly constructed queries, I will elaborate on why eventually no one can deny the need for God.

18. Are you hungry?

19. Then you need food.

20. Assuming that you don't want to cook, or don't know how to cook or don't have time to cook (please choose one LOL) then you have to buy food from outside. Say, a restaurant.

21. Now reflect on this, who provides the food? You have to make a deep reflection here and you'll see how astoundingly a large numbers of people are involved in making the food available for you.

22. I'll break it down for you extensively, but I'll try to make it as short as possible insya Allah (God willing).

23. First, you need money to buy food. Who gives you the money? Your employer. Or if you are a student, then the money is from your parents' employers. Where does he get that money from? Well, possibly from a bank. Then who prints the money? The government maybe.

24. Now do you drive a car to get to the restaurant? Who build the road? The car? And all components of the car? The engine? The steering wheel? The foot pedal?

25. The food itself, who cooks it?

26. What kind of food is it? Say, a pizza. What makes a pizza? A flour maybe? Where do you get the flour? From a plant. Who grows the plant? A farmer.

27. The list goes on and on and by now it is never possible for you to deny the fact that you need the employer, the cook, the road builder, the farmer and not to forget you need the land on which the farmer use to grow the plant you get your flour, hence pizza from.

28. If you don't just stop there, you should be able to ask, what if all the people and things I mention above do not exist? Your needs are not fulfilled and eventually you will die.

29. So the next relevant question to ask here is that, who or what causes all of them to exist?

30. And here is when you will realize the relevance of asking on the existence of God, hence the need for Him.

31. Because without Him, all the people and the things that you need will not be there, and this consequently easily proves that because what you need also have the need to be created by God, then you need God.

32. Or if I were to put this in one simple sentence, say you need a car to go to work, and the car needs a road to travel on, automatically it means that you also need the road, no matter how indirect.

33. But it doesn't work that way with God. Our need for God isn't indirect. Instead, we always believe that our need for God is more direct than any direct need for others, because indeed, He to us is the nearest. The Quran says:

"And when My servants ask you (O Muhammad) concerning Me, indeed I am near..."
Surah Al-Baqarah, ayah number 186

34. Previously you ask this question. Do we need God? Let me now ask you my question instead. 

Do you need a break? LOL. If so, then go take a break, but please do not break anyone's heart, and then come back again here to continue with our discussion.

35. Now, let's continue.

36. In short, what I intend to bring forward here is that if we use our sound and healthy mind, we will realize that denying the need for God is like denying our own needs.

37. Imagine a tree made of LEGO.

38. It doesn't need anything to grow. Well because in fact it doesn't grow.

39. But to make the tree larger, you ought to add more LEGO bricks on it and this means that someone and not the tree itself has to do that for it.

40. However what about the real tree? How does it grow?

41. Who provides all nutrients it needs to grow? Mankind? Have you counted how many trees, and leaves for that matter, that exist in this world? Do you think men can really manage to take care of every single one of them?

42. Also, have you heard of a virgin forest? It is 'virgin' because it not 'touched' by mankind.

43. But undoubtedly, this type of forest is greener and more beautiful in comparison to others. The question is, who designs it, sustains it and causes it to grow?

44. Now how about animals in the wild land? Who feeds them? Or do they go to school to learn some survival skills?

45. Compare this with those captured and kept in zoos. The zoo keepers have to feed them regularly or otherwise the animals will die. 

46. And if you think of this world as a gigantic zoo with no real boundaries, then you will realize that there is a 'hand' involved in making provision to all these animals to live. And I as a Muslim believes as also prescribed in the Quran, that the One who provides these needs to the animals is Him, God Almighty.

"And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision, and He knows its place of dwelling and place of storage. All is in a clear register."
Surah Hud, ayah number 6.

47. Actually, a very important question you need to ask before you question the need for God is actually whether God exists in the first place.

48. And then reflect upon your own existence in this world. Think about it. Who created you? Did you self-create?

49. Al-Quran poses the same question, yet in a more eloquent way:

"Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Or they create the Heavens and the earth? Nay, but they have no firm belief."
Surah At-Tur, ayah number 35-36

50. Think about that. You are the one with question. And you are the one with uncertainties. We instead, already found the answers of all mysteries surrounding our life, through the teaching of Quran. This is our belief, our way of life, called Islam.

51. Before I wrap up, let me touch on two more things here, very quickly.

52. First, our job as a Muslim is simple that we share Islam with the world, but Islam is not a religion of force.

53. Having said that, we believe that who ever that has come across the message of Islam, has to make a firm decision on whether to accept it. For that, I kindly want to share how the Quran describes those who rejected the message, when they (as we believe) are burnt in Hell fire in the Hereafter.

"Had we but listened or used our intelligence, we would not (now) be amongst the Companions of the Blazing Fire."
Surah Al-Mulk, ayah number 10

54. Plenty other verses (ayah) in the Quran explain exactly about the same subject, on how terrible and enormous is the regret or remorse of the people who (for what ever reasons they have) rejected Islam when they are alive on earth.

55. I shall end by talking about our heart. Yes, it's an organ that pumps blood throughout our body. 

56. And let's ask a simple question here. Our heart, does it exist? And secondly, do we need it?

57. We do not see our heart. I've never heard of anyone who has seen his own heart. I mean seeing it live. I don't know, maybe someone has.

58. But it does exist right?

59. What about its need? Do we need it? 

60. Of course we do right? But do we think of our NEED for it everyday?

61. Take a deep breath and think hard now, do you agree with me that there are many things in life, that they exist and we need them but we seldom acknowledge their existence and their importance? Or maybe most of the times we simply forget that we have them?

62. Until?

63. Until we lose them!

64. How many people wake up in the morning and then he counts how many organs are still intact with his body?

65. What about a person who's got an eye sore?

66. He will be reminded of his eye, for as long as the eye sore is there!

67. It is pain (and in a way could also mean absence) of something that would make we start to appreciate what we have.

68. Likewise, we grossly take things for granted when we forget this earth that we live on today are in full harmony and in perfect order. As if we deny the existence, hence the need for its Designer and Sustainer, without whom life on earth is never possible.

69. And for some people, they keep asking blatantly, "O God, if you really exist, why do we have so many sufferings on earth? What are you actually doing? Sleeping?"

70. Although the real question they should be asking is, "O God, if you really exist, why don't you just vanish me to mere dust, and make me perish when I deny your existence and when I deny my total need for you?"

71. Because if you think you should have asked that second question instead, by right you should now FEEL the huge Mercy of Him, that even at a time when you deny His existence, He is giving you a chance to come back to Him.

72. Now the choice is yours. You have intellect. You have a brain. You have a decision to make.

73. Having said all the above, I am closing this article by throwing back the same question to you.

"What do you think? Do we need God?"

74. Allahuaklam. (Truly Allah knows best). Wassalamualaikum wbt. (And peace be with you)

75. P/S: You may read another article (in Malay language though) about an almost similar subject i.e Does God Exist? or Benarkah Allah Wujud? here. Thanks and take care ;-)