Malaysia a Christian Nation?

What do I think? What do you think I think? I am a Muslim. So again, what do you think I think? A yes? No?

Fiqh Medic

What are the legal maxims of Islamic Law (QAWA’ID FIQHIYYAH). Let's say, if a patient is having a colostomy bag (which contains his urine or feces), would the ablution be valid? How about, if a women is in labour (bear in mind that giving birth to the first child can be as long as 19hours); can she still performs Salah? (Let's find the answer here.)

Men VS Women

Let's think critically. Who is the one which better in governing this world!? Men, who have more influencing and have strong character or women, who have emotional values, and boundless cares and love?

Are You Ready to Fall in Love??

What is love to begin with? we might assume that we have that sort of wonderful love, unshakeable by no others even death. We may sacrifice anything to our beloved person. But, if we claimed that we love Rasulullah, where are the proofs? You are willing to sacrifice anything for his sake?

Does God need us?

Now, tell me, what are the differences between this human-made lego tree and the one who created by our almighty creator,our god?

Monday, May 26, 2014


Speaker : Brother Alauddin Rosli

Title : "Kesah Apa Aku?"



Day and Date: Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Time: 8.00 - 9.30 pm

Venue: Pandai Serai Cafe

Special Guest (Performance):

Brother Marsaid and Brother Pasem.


(this picture taken from here )


Wahai yang membolak balikkan hati,
Teguhkan hati ku di atas agamaMu,
Kerana aku tak pasti,
Sampai bila aku mampu berdiri,
Sana dan sini,
Godaan menanti,
Menarik narik hati ku,
Aku tak mampu.

Wahai yang membolak balikkan hati,
Teguhkan hati ku di atas agamaMu,
Kerana aku lemah,
Terlalu lemah,
Kerana bisikan itu menguji,
Takut-takut nanti ku turuti.

Wahai yang membolak balikkan hati,
Teguhkan hati ku di atas agamaMu,
Telah ramai yang aku lihat hanyut,
Arus godaan dunia disangka syurga,
Rupanya neraka bersalut hawa,
Nyenyak berselimut dosa.

Wahai yang membolak balikkan hati,
Teguhkan hati ku di atas agamaMu,
Kerana aku masih bertatih,
Perlahan, lahan, menuju redha Mu,
Terima lah aku,
Dengan segala kotor ku.

Wahai yang membolak balikkan hati,
Teguhkan hati ku di atas agamaMu,
Aku sedar,
Hati ku tidak tetap,
Niat ku sering berubah,
Maka sungguh malang kiranya,
Aku langsung tidak menyedarinya.

Wahai yang membolak balikkan hati,
Teguhkan hati ku di atas agamaMu,
Apa yang harus aku lakukan?
Disaat gelap dan cahaya,
Tak dapat ku beza,
Berjalan dengan menyangka inilah dunia,
Semuanya sangkaan ku saja,
Sangkaan apa yang ku lihat dari ramai manusia.
Aku penat menghitung dosa.
Penat terjatuh semula.
Penat dengan kerenah dunia.
Penat dengan lemahnya jiwa.
Penat dengan diri yang terlena.
Dibuai oleh permainan dunia.
Tak ubah seperti kanak-kanak dalam dunia nya.
Dan terus leka.

Ya Rabbi dengarkanlah,
Aku lemah.
Dan aku berdoa,
Ya muqollibal qulub
Tsabbit qolbi a’la diinik.


Syahr bin Husyib bertanya kepada Ummu Salamah,

“ Wahai Ummul Mu’minin! Doa apa yang paling banyak diucapkan Rasulullah jika sedang berada disisimu?”
Jawab Ummu Salamah,

“Ya muqollibal qulub, Tsabbit qolbi a’la diinik.”

Saya berkata, “Wahai Rasulullah, betapa sring engkau ucapkan doa itu,”

Rasulullah menjawab,” Wahai Ummu Salamah, sesungguhnya tidak ada anak Adam kecuali hatinya di antara jari-jari Allah (didalam kekuasaan Allah).  Sesiapa yang dikehendaki, diluruskanNya. Sesiapa yang dikehendaki, disesatkanNya”

(HR Tirmidzi)

Dinukil oleh:
Saudara Zulhafifi bin Dzulkafli

Friday, May 23, 2014

Spread the Love, and Spread the Knowledge!


Now, we are very glad and pleasant to open the opportunity for you guys out there to join us.

Be one of the author the entries of this blog. Spread the knowledge, the love and the dakwah to open community.

This is your chance! Grab it now. Don't miss out this opportunity.

(picture taken from here )


All of the writings, depends on your own creativity.

Some of suggestion form of articles, that we can suggest are:

1. Share a video link (talk, events, dakwah films/short videos), elaborate about the main concern about the video, or lessons can be obtained through watching it.

2. Share an address link of article (from another blogs, such as Angel Pakai Gucci blog, Temetemerity blog, Ana Muzakkar blog, Muharikah website or any blogs/website/wordpress of any islamic figures),and you may want to elaborate some more.

3. Short stories!

4. Poems!

5. Common form of articles: reviewing certain issues and provide the main resources used. You may include words from Al-Qur'an and Hadiths.

6. Share any comic strips! It might be from your own or other peoples (ensure that you give credit to that people). You can include your opinion and elaborate further the issue discussed in the comic and relate them, with Islam.

Fuuhh.. Other type of form, we Think, you should find it yourself. Use your CREATIVITY.


*Any words from Al-Quran that included, must be checked to be ensure that its from the correct ayaat, and surah.

*Any words from Hadits that include, must be ensured that, it is hadiths shahih.

*If there are any violations of words used, which hurts other sensitivity, we have rights to not post it.

*After sending this form, you must know that, you are the one responsible to what you write.

Thank you again, for viewing this form! ^_^

(picture taken from here)


How to send it?

It's  so easy!

1. Email us your article, by uploading your article/sharing stuff. You may also upload any preferred picture which you want to use in the article (don't forget to give the link address of the picture)

2. Make a title, with this format: [Article] Your Entry Post's Title

3. Include your personal information, by filling up this form:

4. Alhamdulillah, you may raise your hand, and make du'a. May Allah bless our efforts. Insha-Allah.

(picture taken from here )